ASSASSINATING MY GIRLFRIEND – Shadowlands Prepatch Stream Highlights

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This is just a video highlighting some of my favorite stuff from a few of my recent streams. I may continue doing videos like this in the future if you guys enjoy it 🙂

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23 thoughts on “ASSASSINATING MY GIRLFRIEND – Shadowlands Prepatch Stream Highlights”

  1. Text context is good. The ending is a bit weird, maybe if you did keys you can use the end of a key (wow this actually looks really dumb when written), imo it would make more sense, that that's where the video ends. And then go to some kind of endcard.

  2. Text and flashbacks are fine, dont worry about it. Most of us don't really care about hence "quality" as long as there is content within it that is intresting! The level of quality is already great ! i wouldnt focus on that if i were you

  3. I think adding context to clips is always going to interrupt the flow of videos with this type of format. If you dont have context clips it might be better to just save a few that need context up and then chuck em together in a different type of video where that interruption is kind of engrained into the format. If that's not what u want to do then the text is probably the least intrusive way to sneak the info in.


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