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Hey !
This video features two Assassination Rogue Discipline Priest games just below 2.4 MMR, in which I’m using the legendary Master Assassin. This legendary allows for very surprising kills when you don’t actually have CC on the enemies, simply because they usually think you’ll pop on a Kidney. When you don’t, sometimes they don’t react, and you kill in two globals !
Thanks for watching !
Damn, the MA Double Envenom combo is truly strong.
Now I feel bad for wasting Soul Ash while crafting Doomblade hands…
Awesome games, as always!
Around 1:30 that paladin was using Mcdonald's wifi.
A lot of healers instantly pop a defensive as soon as they hear vendetta now, I've had success with this build before this vid was out, I play flagellation for more burst on top, but yeah theres many ways to just ruin it lol, PS, BOP, ulti sac 🙁
4:14 use macros?
Did you drop the whole venthyr vs necrolord and just go back to night fae?
Hey, I just swapped Night Fae > Necrolord and it feels like I have no damage. I'm struggling hard, it looks like i have no damage.. + i'm playing Doomblades. I don't know why, but MA looks way better because you can surprise ppl.
Sneaky oneshots > pressure whole game.
Am i right ?
So I have two rogues, one is NF one is Venth – Do you think the new Flagellation is good for assa? I mean the haste proc + buff is pretty sick (but it's alt) I have quest ready to pop on ma main but, im hesitating because the fox can really save my ass.
The matchup vs Arms Warrior its so hard for me u.u
HI shadenox, could u tell me please, what kind of addons are u using pleaseeeeee 🙁