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The games between Golden Guardians vs Hamsters and Hares were some of the most inspiring I have ever seen. The comeback Golden Guardians staged was unreal, with Pikaboo pulling an against-all-odds switch to Assassination Rogue and powering on to ultimately prevail for his team. I was disappointed that they didn't bring out more of Pikaboo in their match-up against Cloud9 later in the tournament, as his brilliance very well may have carried them to victory.
idk i just play arena on tbc xD but i want a ret pally here
Nerf paladins ty
Whoever is in charge of these videos could at least take the minimal effort to cut the 30 minute timer in the beginning of the video.
Man I love the Castle Nathria soundtrack
EU bracket linked on the NA series but not the NA bracket, sadge.
Ziqo during kill attempts: " Uaap" "Uaap" "Uuu..Uap".. So annoying..
Even the "pros" can't make arena not boring to watch.
So glad to see Jellybeans lose, as bad as it sounds. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but idk who tf this guy thinks he is being rude to his viewer base. I see why it's so low… sorry, it was very satisfying. Kubzy P-OWNED that rando ret…hahaha
Blizzard wtf are you doing? Buff affliction warlocks in arena.
How I miss Rick commentary 😢
Wizk isnt the best mage
This has nothing to do with e-sport (enemies fighting over the better performance)
Who picks the better classes wins. Boring. Good players looking bad. Performance nearly unrelevant.
any hunters? I am 5 hours in…there was monk,dk,shaman,war,priest,mage,rogue,pala,druid.
I dont see any hunters and warlocks.
floormat seemed really bad..
What, no1 plays hunter in PvP wtf ?
OTK really needs to play with AsmonGlad in the team!
6:27:53 Can someone tell me why Korlic the Pali in a BUBBLE, LOST life for casting a holy light?
How is blizzard allowing players to publicly exploit bugs with the prot legendary???! It specifically says requiring protection spec, and yet every one playing ret and holy are using it. C’mon! The amount of paladins in the game is disgusting! I ques 55 games of 3v3 yesterday at 2k ish rating and faced 59 pala’s. Everyone was abusing the glitch. Thanks blizzard for allowing players to cheat in ur own tournament so everyone could learn and do the same.
SL pvp is actual trash.
The burst of game now makes it way more exciting to watch rather than a 30 min high damp game and the casters get so excited aswell.
So success is Holy Paladin, warrior and mage. Got ya.
Venruki so handsome 🙂