The WoW News Is Relentless! 9 Things You Need To Know

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It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌ Sponsord by Nord. Today we recap all WoW’s major news, from Season 4’s changes to new rewards to Holly Longdale continuing to tease us about future PvE content. ▼Sources & Further Reading ▼


43 thoughts on “The WoW News Is Relentless! 9 Things You Need To Know”

  1. Plunderstorm; Long Wait:play times. It's like a cosplay BG except it keeps players outside the game which makes it feel even more dead.
    Don't punish players. 'Deplete key' runs should be optional for serious gamers. Don't waste our NOW-LIMITED time with run-backs and re-buff etc. Many of us started 17 years ago and love the game BUT WE HAVE MORTGAGES. CAREERS, AND SPOUSES NOW.

  2. As a PVP enjoyer it’s wild they don’t just incentivize WPVP and create IN WORLD zones with stuff like that plunder mode to play. It’s a PVP oriented thing so keep it PVP oriented just make new PVE stuff to keep up with it for my alts and PVE enjoyers

  3. PvP isn't the issue with Plunderstorm. The problem is sticking gobs of cosmetic rewards in it, sticking them behind 40 renown levels, and then making it a limited time event. It's a recipe for misery for a sizable portion of players who don't truly like pvp much. It should have been designed as a fun little experiment, not as a fomo thing. It's like making a car out of meat then wondering why bears keep climbing all over it.

  4. They should do popular old raids scaled and loot transmogs adjusted. – Yhe do plunder ninja version in pandaria. why you ask? everyone wants to be ninja thats why! everyone wants to be mermaid in vashjir! everyone wants to be dead in maw!

  5. so whats the deal,is microsoft paying everyone thats an independant creator now for good reviews,you completely ignore what people are saying. did the ad rewveinue fall so much youve became open to bribes and lost all objectivity.. they fucked us on shadowlands out of a tier and replaced it with a season four, figured out they could gget away with it and did it again, and that somehow doesnt piss you off. fucn sheeple

  6. We don't mind pvp, we just don't want a half-a$$ fortnite-wow. We want real wpvp that is in WoW that has gear upgrades and doesn't feel like a bored dev made a side game over a weekend.

  7. As a newly returned player, everyone i used to play with is gone. How do I find a decent group of people to play with? I've pugged a few times and it made me want to quit the game again. The guilds i joined were completely dead, and again, it made me want to stop playing again. Any thoughts?

  8. WoW needs to fix BLOAT, DH is fun because it has plenty of options like Wrath (I started at retail launch). I returned to DF and had to buy a 12 button mouse, my screen is 50% Add-Ons and it's just annoying mashing for the majorities of classes when each spell doesn't feel so impactful.

  9. My problem with Plunderstorm and the fact that they spent so much time and resources on it is it's not fucking WoW. It's a watered down BR cobbled together on the WoW engine. If I wanted to play a BR I would go play one of the good ones. I don't pay a sub for them to make BRs. If they're going to focus on that I would like to know so I can take my money elsewhere.

  10. For sub count .. should we also consider that WoW exitted China not all that long ago, which was a huge sub drop; if its a worldwide count, comparing apples to apples is hard .. ie: count NOW versus count in the past also including China .. if the numbers we are seeing are world wide, then DF is doing very well .. if it also had the Chinese player count it'd be monstrous then. Or if this is just a non-China or just-NA count or something, then fine, it all works out.

    Either way DF is doing Very Well for WoW, which is great news.

  11. Vampire survivor costs 1/3 of a 1 month WoW sub… The game costs less than any microtransaction WoW offers… Vampire Survivors imcluding ALL DLC + SoundTrack is cheaper than a 1 months WoW sub…. Hey Blizzard…*puts hands up, shrugs shoulders and asks* "chu doin?!"

  12. Plunderstorm would have been cool as a legion type of invasion event that could happen anywhere in the world. As it stands now I just don't consider it World of Warcraft.

  13. The community is very split on this, also everyone must understand like pvp player not everyone gets a game content all the time, it is not like plunderstorm used soo much resource from the main game and other game modes. Get a life.

    Also we are in front a new expansion, you could have got less or nothing as before.

  14. Bitching about returning items causing the trading post to be "too expensive" is such a dumb take. What else are they gonna do with returning items? Make em cheaper than before and you screw over people who got them earlier. Add less new items overall and people start feeling like the Trading Post is worthless (because they already got most of what they want earlier). Not having recurring items at all is also stupid because some people just missed out on these things for various reasons, might as well give them the option to use excess tendies

  15. Why can’t PVE minded players just be happy for those who like plunderstorm? Usually at this point in the expansion we’ve gotten practically no content for anyone, much less an experimental play mode to expand gameplay..

  16. Jesus Christ, yet another currency and we are sucking it up like they're doing something different. I agree with DF being in a better place than the expansions before, but come on. Are we really waiting for another currency we can grind?

  17. Still leveling to 70 but I hope there will be several ways to get pve gear at endgame and I hope it will be easy to find raids whenever since I can't commit to a typical guild raiding schedule in the evening but we'll see!

  18. Played since launch, I have not seen this much people since vanilla, there are people everywhere. But I play on EU servers, maybe NA servers have less people playing at the same time?. Even Legion felt alot less than now.

  19. I actually enjoy Plunderstorm, especially playing with a friend. It's not for everyone, and that's fine, but a lot of people like playing it from what I've seen and I hope they make it a permanent thing for people who are actually enjoying it and change the theme or something like that. It's nice to take a break from questing, dungeoning, and levelling and play a fun, not-to-be-taken-seriously game mode like Plunderstorm.


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