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After four intense Cups, the top teams from around the world are advancing to the Arena World Championship (AWC) Shadowlands Season 1 Circuit!
The top eight teams from both North America and Europe face off in a four-week round robin for their share of the $160,000 (USD) total prize pool and one of four invites per region to the Season 1 Finals.
Teams are also fighting for their own survival in the Circuit, with the bottom two teams in each region having to compete in an open Relegation Cup in order to advance to the Season 2 Circuit and a shot at this Fall’s AWC: Shadowlands 2021 Grand Finals.
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Match Schedule, Saturday – March 27
Match 1: (2) @Method EU vs (4) @Reload Esports
Match 2: (5) Creed vs (8) @ad hoc gaming
Match 3: (6) Blast Wave Bros vs (7) Tegridy Damp
Match 4: (1) @Skill Capped WoW Guides vs (3) @cowana gaming
Match 5: (1) @Method NA vs (8) @Spacestation Gaming
Match 6: (4) Charlotte Phoenix vs (6) @Golden Guardians
Match 7: (2) @OTK vs (7) Unitas
► EU Rosters:
Cowana Gaming : Niksi, Tana, Cara, Nerdrage
Creed : Trenacetate, Drainer, Sazamizy, Bakka
Tegridy Damp : Fnoberz, Wallirik, Xot
Blast Wave Bros : Jaime, Fuseton, Livin, Ratapai
Ad Hoc Gaming : Facile, Cassidy, Gelu, Relzah
Reload Esports : Lontar, Vilaye, Merce, Mystic
Skill Capped EU : Maro, Loony, Blizo, Froffsy
Method EU : Chas, Zunniyaki, Whaazz, Thesia
► NA Rosters:
Golden Guardians : Absterge, Wizk, Pikaboo, Jellybeans
OTK : Mes, Cdew, Samiyam, Trill
Cloud9 : Chanimal, Wealthyman, Kubzy, Snutz
Hamsters & Hares : Zach, Vellido, Floormat, Roastyz
METHOD NA : Ceralium, Brain, Drake, Prev
Unitas : Cmd, Oxygen, Aiden, Yoske
Charlotte Phoenix : Korlic, Nick, Burn, Aang
Spacestation Gaming : Smexxin, Thugonomicz, Ticki, Chunli
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esto son arenas actuales? vaya pedazo de basura
same comps different tournies…
Jellybeans = MVP
bring back the king swapsie . and you scrubs
Is Ven behind?
Love seeing hunters shine since most of the world doesn't want us to be good.
necro op
venruki killing it, great commentary and casting
5:19:55 scream meme for the live jajajaja lol jajajaj
Как же заебали выкидывать это говно тоннами.
Создайте уже отдельный канал для этого.
Its crazy how supatease looks physically better and better
Why is Eyia so cringe :))))))
Is that Supatease
6:33:40 chonk down
Niski with the Venthir one shot
STILLnota single demon hunter in all these cups
Jesus, these fights are so boring
About time GG took advantage of having the best hunter in NA on their roster
Every game Jelly is like, "On your left"