Awesome Transmog Sets And How To Get Them – Your Weekly Shadowlands Guide #79

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The road to collecting the transmog appearances in Shadowlands is especially long. Here’s how to obtain one of my favorite sets thanks to covenant switching!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

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14 thoughts on “Awesome Transmog Sets And How To Get Them – Your Weekly Shadowlands Guide #79”

  1. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 4 sentadillas son unos REIKOO.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖 los mortalest abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

  2. Regarding the Kortia sets that drop from the Kortia dailies. Unless something has changed very recently (in the last two weeks), you can/could get multiple pieces in a day across alts. While the specific quest that provides the cosmetic is/was set, on a Warlock the reward was boots and on my Warrior is bracers. In addition to this, I even experienced occurrences where one character would get a cosmetic item, but others would not, regardless of whether I completed the quest on the character who had the cosmetic reward available or not. So a cosmetic rewarding daily is not guaranteed to give a cosmetic, because of this, you should look with every alt every day.

    Get an add-on like World Quest Tab to see the quests and rewards more easily without having to travel to Korthia. Warning, WQT has issues with the group finder tool and the author is not playing WoW anymore, so if you use group finder a lot, be prepared to /reload more often.

    Just to add, the quest giver that rewards a cosmetic item from a daily has to be from the same Covenant as the character. So what you will encounter is a Maldraxxi quest giver giving a cosmetic reward for Necrolord players, but they will never give a cosmetic reward to any of the other covenant players.

    I have no idea if the system can be gamed slightly by cov-switching, I completed all the sets two weeks ago and it never crossed my mind to try. So if you are still missing pieces and you're in the position to covenant switch, try it and see, otherwise, just use your alts if you have them scattered across the covenants.

  3. btw i think i got like 90% of these sets in 9.0 and 9.1 respectively, as i ran 4 characters through those patches. now in 9.2 i have ran 8 characters through the content and geared them up, as we speak i am training another 8 to run the gauntlet, 47 total toons are gonna be geared up before Dragonflight and the other 3 will be starting their adventure on prepatch day, as those are my evokers.

  4. I got all the Korthia sets done so I was looking for something new to do. Now working on the covenant rotations to get the other grateful offering sets for each armor type. The most obnoxious mogs seem to be stuck on weird rare drops like Unity or the Hidden Mirrors.

  5. My entire soul had glazed over for the past few minutes when you said "so on and so forth. I hope you're following along."
    LOL No. What the fuck is going on?
    Remember when the game was like; do a couple of daily quests and kill some bosses in a dungeon?
    Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


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