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No but seriously, I genuinely can’t wrap my head around this game and I think there’s absolutely zero chance it’ll succeed on PC or mobile here in the west… well… maybe there’s a chance it’ll have a presence on mobile because it seems gaming is degenerating pretty quickly as of late.
#Worldofwarcraft #MMORPG #tarisland
AoC 2 when? :p
You gotta apply a bit more sarcasm. . . not enough. Lol.
I dunno man, as a 15+ (18? oh fuk!) year WoW addict I personally felt the agony that the Chinese fans must feel. "Take my legs! but leave my hands so I can still log in!" Is the level of junkie we can get to. Thanks to BFA and esp. Shadowlands being just not the right "fix" my habit has waned. Not saying I will try this wowclone but I will always bow my head for the fallen, even the farmers. Ni hao brothers, Ni hao.
Here's hoping it succeeds enough to kill Blizzard before CCP shuts it down for being spiritual opium.
You cant get mad at them for making games like this…they wouldnt make it if there wasnt a market…its OUR fault
I tried mobile gaming once with a wow clone almost identical to wow way back when called order and chaos. I'm fairly certain it was a 1 to 1 rip. And well… Mobile gaming controls suck m+kb is queen PC is king. So there is that. At least all the gacha games can be played on PC so I can waste my time waiting on a MMO that doesn't exist.
Nothing against these kinds of mobile games in general, my only concern is when game studios start to adopt some of the 'features' from these mobile games, and incorporate them into traditional MMO and RPG's that are designed for PC and Console. Especially cash shop and pay to win features. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect dev studios to remove all cash shop features, the reality is that they're here to stay, but there should be some fixed limits on how much they should impact the game. Full pay to win models are a perfect way to kill the game, making it more a question of who has the deepest pockets, instead of which players/guilds are willing to dedicate their time to really exploring them game, mastering the features and utilising things like crafting systems and raids to achieve/unlock titles, unique gear and cosmetics, etc
Those are the graphics from EQ Next !!!!!
Holy shit Narc, that was really nice video, you rock with your videos man 😉
As long as the game does not have p2w or pay for convenience then I wouldn't mind checking it out.
The werewolves looked exactly like the ones in Kung Fu panda
Thank you to put in a video all the toughts that pass trought our minds facing the absolute catastrophic number of companys that makes cheap copyes of nostalgia bullshit and expect us to have faith that they have competence to create something that worth our time and money
This video is gonna age like milk
tarisland no one cares, only what cares really is the alpha2 date of the upcoming scammmo Ashes of creation
This obvious clickbait is so good I have to click on it.
The only thing the Chinese are good at is stealing IPs, ideas, and designs from others. Cars, electronics, games…. are there any original ideas in that country?
Burn the tree down again
Looks much better than WoW honestly lol
I mean, I agree they are trying to VERY closely copy WoW but, my fear is we are moving towards shitting on any new MMO release and calling the art derivative when they use cartoon aesthetics versus UE5 hyper realism. I actually prefer non-realistic art styles and my fear is we won’t see many of these in the future as people call any character/zone/boss/weapon a WoW ripoff. In this case, WoW is the Simpson in the South Park episode where every idea they bring up you could say “Simpsons did it!” Not EVERYTHING is derivative just because the 17 year old game that is wow once did it.
Amazing vid dad ☺️
When Unreal Engine 5 exists and we're still looking at cartoon graphics on mmorpgs…
🔥 😡 Desperate!!!! 🔥 😡
In 2023 they thing a game like wow will succed nah , wow itd there still cz of the nostslgia 🙂 next big mmo has to be freshhhh
Social credit "Tarisland" tokens ayayaya 🇨🇳
looks like a pile of garbage
Your click bait title got me….oh wait no it didnt i just watch everything you release as I am as desperate as you for a good MMO "Hurry up ashses".
Thought they canceled ther lotr mmo? or is this a NEW one?!
Breast Milk 💦
and it will no doubt have an anti-cheat software that offers a backdoor for the chinese government at kernel level to access your pc and all your personal data whilst your completely unaware it's happening, oh my bad that's genshin on pc… If I recall kernel level protections are practically non existent on mobiles because people who choose mobile gaming over pc rarely know what a security software is!
I just want a good mmo man… 😢 give me ashes. Now.
rift: welcome to the club
taris: what club?
rift: the wow 2 club
rift, allods, aion, runes of magic, DCUO, SWTOR, archeage, teraI can't fi d myself annoyed at this Chinese rip-off as WoW itself looks like a rip-off of WoW at this point. This game doesn't look very different from Dragonflight.
frost's grip wanes cryptically = BLZ gets weaker… Tencent rises…
Reminder that Genshin Impact was called Breath of the Wild clone, but at this point it's its own thing. Games being on mobile do make me worried about the depth though.
After watching this uninspired trailer that is a blantant and shameless ripoff of WoW, there isn't a doubt in my mind that will be an improvement, even as a piece of mobile garbage.
Remember, modern ActiBlizz's most recent expansion's best new feature was a shitty version of flying mounts from a significantly less successful game. Really just laying the bar on the floor there for other companies to step over.
Why does this look like the riot mmo for me? Doesn't look bad but I know the game isnt the trailer…
Cant wait for Ash of Creator
Looks better than Ashes of Creation
finally probably the first mobile mmo that will not be p2w
lame art style for a 2023 game lol, asian garbage
TEMU version of WoW
dragonflying is sick bro did u even play? i swear you're just another 30+ know it all dude ffs
I wish WoW copied WildStar or GW2.