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Bajheera & Mcconnell: Arms/Ret/Hpal 3v3 Arena to 2100+ (Part 1) ft. Hamsti
WoW Shadowlands 9.0 Warrior PvP
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Music by Berserkyd
Music by Epidemic Sound
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Blizzard: we have a cool idea to not die.
Me: huuuuuuuuuh?!
what 's the addon that shows debuffs with timer on target?
Nice choice on the stag. Make the most out of those sparkles!
Y’all are crackeddddddd
at 13:13 you can see the enemies warrior is like walking strange as if he's lagging… my question now is, wtf is that? I see at least 1 guy in 10 arena matches walking like that? Is that some kind of abuse or am i lagging is the enemy lagging?
ohh whats that addon that shows the friendly names?
like many other have asked.. is it possible to get your Threat Plates profile? 🙂
What nameplate Addon is that for showing friendlies like that ?
@Bajheera there is a weakaura for the seed from the nightfae. 🙂
so you can easy see when somebody is playing with this shit. 😀
i like mcconnell.. 😀
Hi you remenber a fernanfloo
Finally, a McConnell video I can watch. A muted one.
Damn Baj! You’re the reason I really consider rerolling my kyrian warrior to a nightfae even at Level 12 renown 😀
Very nice to see this Colab with mccool! 😎👍🏼
What are those enemy nameplates? I need those
Yes another Baj vid. awesome, keep those comming
What is the addon you are using for teammate?
5:29 love the mage using both his trinket and his ice block to get out of a stun lmao
What the addons name that shows the health of the enemy like that ?
Anyone know what addon he's using for combat text?
Arms warriors are S+ strong. I wonder if anyone thinks they need some tuning?
Hey Bajheera, how do you make the names of your teammates and enemy totems stick out like that?
What makes your teammates names appear above their heads?
brooo what? my favorite ret (im ret main as well) AND bajheera?! LETS GO
can anyone tell me all the arena addons hes using? I like the UI and his set up
What's the addon showing the allies names without a healthbar?
I'm sorry but the pod is so dumb! It shouldn't be allowed in arena
Is Baj the actual LITERAL GOD we all hoped Asmon would be? He's completely bald, and embraces it, beards fully grown. He's healthy, and athletic…lol and most of all, he knows how to play his warrior in arenas. McConnell was easy sailing…
Wow, a top pvp player + 2 classes that are op as hell, and need to be nerfed… It would be more interesting to see what games u guys lost.
What going on with DK videos?
Corrupted Gladiator 😀
Baj will there be a rank one montage like last one ?
Interesting and entertaining.
Question: Where can we get your nameplate profile (friendly&enemy)?
Dont get me wrong I enjoy asmons content but I can tell Mcconnel is having fun when hes not being constantly trolled or just getting fucked with for views. He gets to smash faces with a glad warrior instead and he seems to enjoy it ha
How come you're not Kyrian?
Which nameplate addon do you use 🙂 ?
What is the Addon that shows Hamsti and Mcconnals names like that?
Yeah, duo with mcconnell is the real team