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this is how I cap vs other rogues and boomys its really good u can cap vs alot of people using this if u guys want a more in guide with how do u cap with a boomy with u let me know catchu in the next video!
Great vid 😎. Thanks for all your guides. Love them.
Hey bro, could you do an optimal keybind setup, and macro guide for Sub Rogue? You are putting out great content, very much appreciate it.
what is the addon to see trinket in rbg?
Duuuude tysm
When you left ur healer alone with the dh and rogue i felt like u were trolling hard ^^ ( u should have just klled them) other then that looked good 🙂
this is SUCH a good video!!! helped me a lot .. this is the exact class i want to master.
Do u have a macro for the fan of blades?
And one for marked for death kidney??