Base Sitting like a BOSS Guide – Vengeance Demon Hunter Shadowlands

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Hi Saiyans, thanks for the support for my recent videos! After several requests I’m finally bringing you part 2 of my PVP Vengeance Demon Hunter guides, this time focusing on Base Defense as well as splashing on rogue fighting scenarios and what to do. If you’re after a more in-depth guide for fighting rogues 1v1 don’t fear! I have the next video lined up to be released soon as well! Enjoy

0:00 – Introduction
1:10 – Gearing
2:34 – Legendary Choices
3:32 – Talents
6:00 – PVP Talents
8:04 – Covenants and Soulbinds
11:43 – The Base Sitting Role
12:30 – Bast Sitting Against Rogues
17:07 – Conclusion

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Thanks For Watching!
#worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #9.0 #pvp #guide #levelling #basesitting #demonhunter #flag #base #rogue #defend #eyeofthestorm #arathibasin #deepwindgorge


32 thoughts on “Base Sitting like a BOSS Guide – Vengeance Demon Hunter Shadowlands”

  1. For the record VDH is the worse base sitter. That shit only started this expansion. I cap on every dh asap. First of all I smoke bomb and drop my battle standard on the flag they always come towards my smoke bomb and even if they don't cool. I re stealth sap the dh and shadowstep to my battle standard and cap they sit so far they can't stop me. Thank you pve'ers playing Vdh and making videos giving false hope to ppl who just don't know the game..

  2. Thanks a lot for these videos man, love them ! very helpful !
    But I'm still having trouble if I stand 1.5 to 2 infernal strikes away from the flag when the rogue saps – sprint and then smokebomb cap..
    Could you tell me what do you do in this situation ? trinket ?

  3. trying to convince myself to re-spec vengeance bc my rbg group really needs a decent tank but it just looks and feels so boring compared to havoc – life of da tank i guess

  4. Sooo U explain what the conduits are for flag base sitting and different for carrying flags but… How do you change conduits in rbg when not knowing what is coming or do u have ppl go in first to tell u?


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