i am going to die in the shadowlands

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

i am bound to resubbing to WoW every year like a lich, i hate this stupid game


32 thoughts on “i am going to die in the shadowlands”

  1. I was blown away at how few views you got for this, despite the effort. Until recently I assumed the audio was your own work too, but "memus dickus" just released the same audio with still frames from Sonic and has gotten 2 million views in a month, with just 7k subscribers. Youtube algorithm FTW?

    Or, SANIC is just that much more popular than WoW. A sad thought.

    Edit: Research says you don't have enough Coldplay lyrics in your tags, because your video doesn't show up for searches like "I used to roll the dice." Hire me for your marketing team. I'll be looking forward to your discord call.

  2. "why we live in a society,, wheere gamers.,,,….. dont rule the world…… :((("
    what do you mean, they do D: You stinky little skyrim cat, you! Dont you see all the racism, homophobia, sexism and transphobia? That's gamers right there!

  3. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jeez i laugh like a kid now to be honest all though i wish i was younger and happier but that was one of the funniest and saddest vidoes the ending part was sad but i cheered it up lol well i have buzz if you know what i mean lmoa keeps me in this world thats why we live in society lol but great editing with this YTPMV lmoa really cringey funny video👍.


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