Bastion Willows Ritual Cutscene – Shadowlands

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Bastion Willows Ritual Cutscene – Shadowlands


34 thoughts on “Bastion Willows Ritual Cutscene – Shadowlands”

  1. “Whole life” (wait what?) and “Final Night” – I thought the Shadowlands didn’t have a concept of time as they are not affected by “order”? Also did they just rip her apart to do this ritual? Are we certain that the Queen isn’t evil? It almost seems like all her solutions involve murdering/erasing her realms subjects and inhabitants to get stuff done.

  2. The player looks like it's standing there going "aw man… Last expansion I would've gotten to raise my weapon and be a part of this.. Now I don't have my artifact weapon anymore.. I'm so bored…"

  3. Didn't even know there was a cutscene when I did this. The game bugged out when I clicked "Start the ritual", I was locked in place and I had to relog, and when I came back something happened that I did not get to see.


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