BATTLE IN THE BASIN! – Marksmanship Hunter PvP (WoW Shadowlands 9.0.5 Arathi Basin Battleground)

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You tell me, was I in my bag during this Arathi Basin Battleground??? Playing during patch 9.0.5 with my Marksmanship Hunter (even 203 ilvl on an MM Hunter can pack a punch), goes to show how this wow BG in particular can be competitive, fun, engaging… all you can ask for really.

I always tend to binge M+ a bit at the start of a patch or expansion, but i’m slowly getting more and more involved in the PvP side of Shadowlands now.

Intro – Pre-Game (Gear Check / Talents) 0:00
Lets Go! (PvP Gameplay) 0:46
Scoreboards (Kills / Deaths / Honourable Kills / Objectives) 15:33

#WoWPvP #Shadowlands #HunterPvP

This MENVCE Gaming Walkthrough will use text commentary only, no audio commentary. This text commentary style is ideal for those who are hearing impaired or who seek a distraction free gaming experience.



3 thoughts on “BATTLE IN THE BASIN! – Marksmanship Hunter PvP (WoW Shadowlands 9.0.5 Arathi Basin Battleground)”

  1. You should have more subscibers…i dont get it. You have players like arrow assasin gaming that i have to turn volume down because he annoys me with his…uuuuhm, perfect, to be 100% honest, a good rogue is a dead rogue, uuuuhm in my opinion, apparently. Thats all i hear the whole video. My point is, im guessing no commentary= less subscribers…idk. But your videos are always great and look forward to the pvp especially. Keep up the good work.


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