I Did A MASSIVE Emerald Box Opening | Shadowlands Goldmaking

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34 thoughts on “I Did A MASSIVE Emerald Box Opening | Shadowlands Goldmaking”

  1. Now that you made a video about it, I bet the price of the quest turn in's is going to spike this week and you'd probably get more gold just AH'ing the crystals

  2. Hey Studen, I don't know if you know this one, but you can use a "hearthstone" toy like the one you get from the shadowlands expansion that has a different casting appearance instead of your regular hearthstone. You can then delete your normal hearthstone and put the toy on your bar, and it works. This way you have 1 extra bag slot. I thought I would tell you cause I saw you struggling on those boxes!

  3. Opened over 300 the first year they had the Originals in group finder, got zero Chan's. I did however just sell one for 70k that I got through my alternate farm, yay!

  4. friend why can't I trip several of these missions like you ??? has something like you just managed to trip 2 where are the mobs that drop it often ?? what addon do you use to show the rars ??

  5. The tsm desktop app keeps disconnecting me after 15 min. It says clock/timezone is off. I have tried reinstalling, changing my timezone and running the app as an administrator but nothing works.. I have to restart my PC, then I can log in again but it kicks me out again after around 15 min. It used to work fine until a few days ago. Anyone can help me with this?


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