Be sure to try out the Meteor Chip as you adventure through Pandaria! June 6, 2024 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
Say what you want about mop, but the ingame continent of Pandaria still looks good after all this time Reply
Bring back simplified talents! Talent tree system is merely an illusion for old timers! Even with 30ish points, ppl in fact don’t have much choices in their builds. Reply
Slow fall with this is fun just make sure you hearthstone is off cd cuz you will probably end up out in the ocean with fatigue. Reply
This along with goblin glider was my absolute favorite combo of items in game.
Havent used it 1. Single. Time.
I've collected so many now😭, very useful in tight situations
Timeless isles was the best part of this expansion hands down.
Timeless Isle was the best part of this expansion hands down.
Up drop rate on retail please !
TBC when?
Just crazy you couldn’t make an easy game mode fun 🙁
Say what you want about mop, but the ingame continent of Pandaria still looks good after all this time
*Kazoo solo intensifies*
Bring back simplified talents! Talent tree system is merely an illusion for old timers! Even with 30ish points, ppl in fact don’t have much choices in their builds.
Combine with revendreth parasols for Panda poppins fun
Best way to escape timeless idle change my mind
In sane 😂😊
We can go under the Throne of Thunder with this
Its the worst when you hit an invisible wall
Maraad that you?
Slow fall with this is fun just make sure you hearthstone is off cd cuz you will probably end up out in the ocean with fatigue.
Be sure to try to upgrade game visuals blizzard it's 2024
Super fun, but if it's still with charges, I'll pass…