Beast master hunters right now #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo

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Beast master hunters right now #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming


24 thoughts on “Beast master hunters right now #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo”

  1. I found out lately that even though after 20 years, I’ve let me self to believe I’m a hardcore and good player… but I’m not. I’m not gonna push high key. I’m gonna be fine doing 5-10s.. And BM won’t bust the damage meter, but it will get the job done 🕺

  2. wooow not even 10% dps diff between 2 classes perfectly mastered, 90% or player cannot ready theorical max DPS of each classes… Ranking are totally useless, you can see F-Tier deal more DPS than S-Tier.

  3. I was top dps for 2 years straight in my guild back in 2007 during TBC as a BM hunter had tier4 and 5 mix with good trinkets and the bow off of prince from kara. With raid buffs i was consistently doing 1k dps which to you all may not seem like much but it was very good back in the day. For perspective 1k was the threshold number to begin raiding eye of eternity/naxx and obsidian sanctum in WOTLK which was lvl 80 raids and i was doing this at 70. BM was the shit back in the OG days insanely good in bgs and 2v2s also😅


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