BEST PvP Addons | Addon Manager | WoW Shadowlands

Read more about Shadowlands ➜


00:00 – [Intro]
00:40 – []
01:32 – [Advanced Interface Options]
02:13 – [Battleground Enemies]
03:55 – [BigDebuffs]
04:36 – [Capping]
05:14 – [EasyFrames]
05:53 – [Plater]
06:58 – [TrufiGCD]
08:12 – [WeakAuras]
09:12 – []
09:35 – [Conclusion and Thanks]

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(Discord will have the .txt file for the plater string, under wow-talk channel)

Weak Aura String:


Check out my Fury Warrior Guide here!

In a Previous video I went over BALANCE DRUID M+ TALENTS!

In a previous video I went over PROTECTION WARRIOR M+ TALENTS!

In a previous video I went over FURY WARRIOR m+ TALENTS

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World of Warcraft is a MMORPG that is ranked #1 in current subscribers

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WoW ( World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has a system called the GREAT VAULT in which I have previously explained. In this video here

WoW ( World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has so much to do, and in my videos I will do my best to explain many of the systems! Including the GREAT VAULT like this video here

WoW ( World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has Torghast a fun almost endless feeling single or multiplayer dungeon adventure! In a previous video I gave you one BIG TIP for Torghast.

WoW (World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has many rare mounts and this video guide I show you how to get Sinrunner Blanchy. I will be making more Mount Guides for WoW Shadowlands

WoW (World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has the worlds most viewed twitch viewers during the race to the world first for each of its raid tiers – in this video we discuss the race to the world first Castle Nathria

WoW (World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has classes that specialize in DPS and in this video we go over the last weeks DPS RANKINGS. So you can find the best class in the DPS RANKINGS in WOW!

WoW (World of Warcraft ) Shadowlands has classes that specialize in DPS and in this video we went over the week 5’s DPS RANKINGS. So you can find the best class in the DPS RANKINGS in WOW!


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