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Highlighting some of the best WoW Mounts in Shadowlands Season 4 and the best shadowlands mounts in general!
These mounts will be in your Top 5, 10, or 20 from Shadowlands guaranteed and I’m sure you’ll continue to use them in Dragonflight and beyond!
#wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #jugy #jugydh #mounts
Agree 👏👏
I don't have any of these mountains, only the ones from the pact… I wanted to understand how it performs to get so many mounts, I dream about it.
Really liked the corpseflies from Maldraxxus, and the mawrats go really well with the sanctum armor sets. Pity the AOTC mount doesn't have an animation on the feet when flying like the mechagon mount!!
Pet battle guides when?
Best mount for me is all the gladiators soul eaters from shadowland expansion, it’s number 1 on my list all 4 of them recolors!
Number 2 spectral tiger
Number 3 brutosaurus, no cap.
What a total letdown this entire xpac ended up being. All this art just blows and doesnt fit into the lore and look of the game at all. Hurry up DF.
I really wish they had made a black and red maw charger mount