I agree on Disc. Almost no matter what healer I see…pretty much no matter what class I see, I figure I'm getting outhealed and will need to cc perfectly and dps to win.
im at 2.2k 2.3k rating and the issue only face rank 1 on alt or booster all the game how i suposed get glad when i face a multi r1 3.2k xp player way better then me on alt all the time
Wow experience right now. See a Supatease video. Try get in the game again. First try LFG for 30mins cant find a team to play with. Give soloshuffle a try and get absolutely abused into oblivion by some germans/austrians and because its german and blizzard refuses to use google translate nothing happens. Give it one more try same experience but at least one person sabotages it by afking the first 3 rounds all of which he is on your team. After which he either leaves so you cant go 3-3 or after afking your rounds he will actually play the rounds where is now on enemy team. Log off to play something else its not the same game anymore.
As much as I appreciate the grind. This topic is pretty much irrelevant because the state of the ladder right now and mmr means anyone who is good enough to get glad already knows this information.
If you game knowledge is poor enough that you need to watch a video to understand what specs are viable your not good enough for glad plain and simple with how the game is right now.
ohh i was the 1st.. hiii supaaaaa 🎉🎉🎉
Love to see some rbg tier lists
was the end of the season announced? sorry
why delete comment?
Putting feral in A tier is comical
You should make another tierlist for eu
Wooooo! Not in bum tier as an Aug! 😂
thanks supatease, i love to watch your videos
I agree on Disc. Almost no matter what healer I see…pretty much no matter what class I see, I figure I'm getting outhealed and will need to cc perfectly and dps to win.
as if anyone will get this mount in this deflated season kek specialy ppl who watch this vid
I think Affli should be S tier because of comp with assa
hey supa, u said ret warrior fistweaver and mistweaver at one point, both vialable ?
Always frost dk is elephant shid 😡😡😡😡 rework asap lazy blizzard bumps
idk about getting glad with it but i started playing disc priest and it is the easiest class ive ever played up to 2100. piss easy class
Can we stop saying «middle of the pack» about b tier when you put everything else in s/a?
Doing bm dirty
thanks supa, trying come back in retail pvp, for me your tier lists updates with some notes really helful
A team I've seen a lot in 3s is dev fdk healer. Very very strong synergy
+1 You finally found the right spot for Disc.
its like 4 minutes left of the ssn how am I suppose to get glad
wow feels completely dead
How is Holy pally B tier?? lol
Is shadow priest really that good? I feel like you just get owned everytime you show up to melees, and it's damage is mediocre
boomkin a tier below arms warrior? Same tier as feral druid? Outlaw A tier? ok…
Best spec is have 2 friends with multi glad exp to play with
We need inflation thats all. What is blizz doing ?
im at 2.2k 2.3k rating and the issue only face rank 1 on alt or booster all the game how i suposed get glad when i face a multi r1 3.2k xp player way better then me on alt all the time
Wow experience right now. See a Supatease video. Try get in the game again. First try LFG for 30mins cant find a team to play with. Give soloshuffle a try and get absolutely abused into oblivion by some germans/austrians and because its german and blizzard refuses to use google translate nothing happens. Give it one more try same experience but at least one person sabotages it by afking the first 3 rounds all of which he is on your team. After which he either leaves so you cant go 3-3 or after afking your rounds he will actually play the rounds where is now on enemy team. Log off to play something else its not the same game anymore.
love these lists 🙂 can u make a 3v3 comp tier list?
Supa, did you not participate in Blunderstorm? If not why not? Seems like you shoulda been in there and successful.
Still no date for when season ends? Wish blizz would give more warning they usually only give like 1 week notice
As much as I appreciate the grind. This topic is pretty much irrelevant because the state of the ladder right now and mmr means anyone who is good enough to get glad already knows this information.
If you game knowledge is poor enough that you need to watch a video to understand what specs are viable your not good enough for glad plain and simple with how the game is right now.
Ret can play with anything….. legit two comps!