How Blizzard SOLVED The MMO Problem

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The Forgotten Prince walks Tamriel, and chaos follows in her wake. Investigate the emergence of Ithelia and explore the Colovian region of West Weald in The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road.

Today we take a look at how the face of the MMO genre is changing across WoW and all the other titles out there, and how Blizzard seems to have stumbled on the solution… and no one else can do it.

In Part 1 we’ll be focused on WoW for the most part and we’ll be discussing the other MMOs in more detail in part 2 very soon.
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48 thoughts on “How Blizzard SOLVED The MMO Problem”

  1. I really like that Classic exists, because they're letting all the younger generations get to experience a bit of the glory that they were back in the day. Some of my best wow memories were back in wrath and I hope so many more are getting to experience those parts as well.

    One thing I do hope they'll release in the future when it comes to Classic, is the whole story, in the order and the way it was initially intended. I heard rumors back in the day that T9 raid wasn't even supposed to be launched, and Yog Saron, Ulduar was supposed to be the final raid in Wotlk. How much truth lies behind those rumors, I don't know. But if it was, that would be a glorious way to experience the game in the future. Instead of the devs being held back by time constraints and goals. Because at this point, they could make a team while all the other things is going on within the WoW eco system, they got all the time they would need to polish everything to make each experience just as they were intended.

  2. ESO is actually a fun and in depth game. The massive amount of content the game has is insane, it would take a new person a good 6 months or longer to experience the game in full. The player housing is so cool!

  3. Blizz has been absolutely cooking with DF content cadence. Even rando weird shit I don't necessarily care for. I've done more one off quest chains and little events that awarded mogs/transmogs etc than I ever have in wow. Hell I played all of DF and only recently did that new "Archeology/Reliquary" whatever it's called zone/quotes/objective.

  4. Funny how this whole WoW ecosystem thing really started with the initial Classic release in 2019, that Blizzard had to be dragged kicking and screaming into, by the fanbase. You think you want it but you don't…

  5. WoW players were telling blizzard devs for years how to solve this problem but were told “you think you do, but you don’t.”

    It would be really cool to see remixes of other expansions where they added cut content, like taking another shot at WoD or Cata.

  6. I just think everyone in MMOs is stupid. Players expect infinite content and companies infinite money.

    If players wouldnt play games like total degenerates they wouldnt 'finish' a huge thing like wow classic in a week, then cry dead game. But they have been trained by a climate of hype, fomo and greed, so 🤷

    also seasons are the worst and i will die on that hill.

  7. Ultimately Blizzard can only be so responsible for player burnout. If someone is trying to do 20 different things across multiple different versions of WoW and wearing themselves out, I'm not sure that Blizzard has much they can do with that.

  8. The real issue is MMOs still feel like second jobs. This is the actual problem with modern MMOs, at least to me. I'd think most players dont want to worry about all that crap you mentioned near the end of the video. An ecosystem like this is cool, but doesn't fix the overall issue.

  9. I'm simply at a point of my life where I can't dedicate time to an MMO like Wow. Exhausted, limited on free time and the idea I would have to do virtual "chores" when I can't muster the willpower to do IRL ones just drains me before I even log. To hell with their ecosystem.

    You'd have be jobless and endless time/energy to keep playing WoW, even just retail.

  10. There’s a problem though. There’s too much now. They are starting to time lock stuff. Like Remix. Once it’s done stuff will go away. That’s not so good. Why not make it evergreen

  11. For me personally the extremely strong identities of the factions and races in WoW is a big reason I never switched to another game, and having the team blue and team red constantly rivals and at eachother's throats was always an awesome and fun dynamic to have despite the soy-chugging limpdicks trying to do away with that nowadays.

    I still stand by the fact that if Warhammer ever made a polished, smartly produced 40k MMO it would fucking ANNIHILATE WoW. Just imagine the same dopamine gameplay but with Space marines, chaos and Orks going fucking balistic at eachother and none of the lame modern peacecraft bollocks that ruined Warcraft's story, it would be insane, I'd never look at WoW again.

  12. "How do we solve player retention?" I don't know, maybe make the game a social experience again? Back in WotLK, people would log in just to chat with friends. You need to make players depend on each other and want to play with each other and engage in content together. You need to give people more ways to socialize, group up, RP, whatever. Like, have they seen what kind of community has been fostered on Moon Guard? People log in just to chat and RP. And Blizzard has done nothing to help them, only addon writers have.

  13. At the end of the day, WoW is WoW and i don't think anyone will ever be able to do what WoW has done, no one who will ever really be able to topple it. At least not any time soon and def not while the state of MMORPG genre is such as it is now days. There is a saying, only game that's going to kill WoW, is WoW. And over time that has proven to be true more and more.

  14. Preach needs to look into Runescape. Not necessarily play because I don't think he'll like the grind gameplay.

    But so much of the seasonal style of games, and things like hardcore, he'll even classic wow itself, it's originated with Runescape. Highly recommend a video by J1mmy who does a phenomenal video essay on it

  15. Good, maybe they'll yeet PvP into it's own game mode so they can stop using PvP as an excuse to not give classes/specs cool spec themed abilities cause they're OP in PvP.
    I don't really think they've solved anything though. Yeah they might be getting the numbers they want — but constantly regurgitating old assets and content isn't a win for gamers.

    WoW hasn't so much solved anything as everyone else has failed to produce anything.


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