BIG Beta Updates and Blizzard's Week of Turning Mistakes Into Wins – Warcraft Weekly

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It’d be great if Blizzard and our other video game companies always got it right the first time. But there’s a cool story to be told when we see a turnaround! The Radiant Echoes event went through an overhaul in only a few days and there were big changes in the Beta for crafters and raiders!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Blizzard responds to Radiant Echoes backlash
5:10 Crest changes for raiders
7:06 Crafted gear levels resolved
8:37 Professions even easier to level
9:28 Transmog unlocks and “respecting our time”
12:33 Leveling plans

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31 thoughts on “BIG Beta Updates and Blizzard's Week of Turning Mistakes Into Wins – Warcraft Weekly”

  1. the fix they put out was fast and very effective, but people who just afk at the boss and don't help with events are leaches, them being in the zone bloats the time needed to finish the events and then they just tap the boss bloat its health and then afk again its real aggravating -.-

  2. who cares about that retroactive transmogs, the mogs gets better and better each expansion and for the most part what people transmog is raid sets not quests so please dont make blizz devote resources to solve something that will take months to do in order to enjoy only for like the 3 seconds it takes to display on your screen and then you never use it again

  3. pretty friggen boring event tbh. the changes are better but still, not much to it. i guess it just feels like, meh. its fine, im sure they need as much dev time as they can find to polish up the xpac, cant be wasting it on current stuff. biggest thing about this event for me is not being able to see where i need to go on the world map, i just cant figure out why. probably an addon, but i cant be arsed to go through them all to try and find the fix.

    i came back for this pre xpac event. gear catchup, blow the dust off some alts i never leveled to max with the xp nerf. that was my plan. i find myself not wanting to do any of that. i dont want to slog through all the addon updates, i dont want to set up all my addons again on every character. i dont want to relearn all my different specs/talents. i guess im a one toon andy now. honestly, im not all that excited for the xpac now either. i guess i might be done with WoW. been playing since end of TBC, i feel sad.

  4. 1/5 of the talents in the aff warlock tree still don’t work. Enhance shaman additional charge of ele blast doesn’t work, there’s a quest bugged that prevents you from getting your class mount, shadowlands bosses are still broken… so much more it’s so snnoying

  5. I admit from a game balance perspective it seems werid that crafted gear is higher than delves. Like is blizzard saying crafting gear is harder then delves? more important? I dont know just is something that shouldnt be the case. Or at least id like to hear the reasoning, as right now i dont think i understand exactly how blizzard sees delves.

  6. This is a beta test and we are paying for it. It's not right to make customers pay for something not fit for use and we should not be charged a monthly fee until it's out of beta testing and the majority of the bugs are removed. Now in the L King boss kill event, if you tank the boss on top of the broken pillar, you make Arhus non targetable and he will stay that way until 3 hours later when it comes around to that portal again. You don't get to turn in the daily and all that time and effort gone. Again, shame on blizz for forcing people to pay for beta testing their game.

  7. DID they learn, though? This is FAR from the first time they've released something, received strong backlash, and had to pivot. Hell, it's not even the first time this year.

    Do they understand their game at all?

  8. This event sounded so bad with what was announced I’ve literally decided not to log in all week. Didn’t even know they made updates. Maybe I’ll check it out now, kinda unsure.

  9. I remember one guy saying: "I so love redoing reps on my alts from scratch because then earning that sweet gear/recipe/enchant is so exciting!"

    The world is full with strange people but I hope the trend of making everything account-wide continues, with the only exception of current season gear (anything above normal dungeon ilvl).

  10. honestly the waiting part was ok, i was used to it… and could have coped it… knowing it will be 1 hr wait next week and 30 mins wait after that.
    The major problem was events not counting properly, and boss not spawning because of this. Waiting 1.5 hour for a boss spawn + boss not spawning, and it being the only quest left unfinished…. and next boss spawn is at 4.5 hrs? yeaa…. im not sure about that one chief.

  11. Blizzard simply refuse to learn from their mistakes. Every single time they ignore feedback from PTR and the use of common sense. Only when people start complaining once a patch goes live, they pull the "we have listened to you guys and will do some improvements".


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