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Anyone know if crusader enchant for warriors has been nerfed?
Love the nerfs now just need a hunter nerf
I'm okay with the nerfs to Venthyr MW as I hate playing that covenant. I prefered Kyrian anyways, however, MW still needs a lot more tuning and class balance changes for people to start playing that class again.
Of course they nerf feral again
As a warrior player i can say: Me Like, Me Smash
@ 2:15, DHs can already maintain Demon brand 100% with double leggo before the change. The only thing this does is make it so that we don’t have to cast Meta outside of the enemies hit box
Sin rogue: TC does not work at all. there is no damage numbers coming up for initial damage when used, and there is no bleed on the targets. Meters overall for the whole instance show 0 casts. But it does consume combo points. anyone else have this issue/bug?
Rip shadow priest you'llforever be dog sht in non fort for 3 expansions in a row
Just when we start to think they are close to a patch announcement they go and gut a handful of classes that either didn't need it, or didn't need it that badly. The cycle starts over again 9.2 is months away at this point.
There's no way blizzard is going to let us change m+ and pvp gearing into tier gear without pain. That's definitely going to change. A currency grind is not enough for them.
Always pin the source to check in on a changes
I wish sub meant no adds
Sad that they are basically restricting ele shaman's to playing necro in pvp. I just started enjoying those vesper totem 1 shots.
OMG get on the hype train!!! chu chuuuuu
So getting 15s done means you'll get better gear than HC raiders? That's stupid
Cant believe they keep nerfing druid and buffing demon hunters…… not many know this but while balance needs haste so fucking much the haste wont affect its dots at all , it is a real pain
RIP Kyrian Resto Druid! Pleas help revert it for rdruid. Just nerf it for Balance, thats why theyre nerfing it.
The tier set from frost proccing killing machine isnt a bug. Obliteration clearly states that Glacial Advance procs it lol.
I hope they up the cap on the feral tier set to 20 like most skills.