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Elemental Shaman games at around 2kcr and 2.1kmmr.
00:00 – Sketch
00:21 – Lock/Sham/RDruid
01:31 – GodComp
02:57 – Kitty Cleave
04:19 – Jungle Cleave
07:01 – Lock/Sham/RDruid
08:16 – Spriest/Hunter/RDruid
10:09 – Outro
JOIN MY DISCORD! (Click Rules of Engagement, press emote at bottom to see everything)
Music provided by Alex Koch and Risking Nostalgia
#Shaman #WoW #Shadowlands
Slapping the damage as Elemental Shaman. Nothing quite like a spicy MEATBALL to the face.
Nice Video! Your content is helping me a lot getting better at Ele. Is there any way to watch you live?
Slapping the damage as Elemental Shaman. Nothing quite like a spicy MEATBALL to the face.
just wanted to bring some bladestorm to the chat
Nice vid 🙂 Can you please tell me which nameplates you use?
so anyway, i started blastin
only ever played classic and tbc, having a blast with ele sham right now
did I see that correct and you used hex once? is that not used in higher mmr?
Good content here! I got a question, how do you throw lava burst to all 3 enemies like at 9:58 ? Looks like Ascendance but you are using stormkeeper so …
What's our second potency conduit going to be?
Dude, we have been getting dumpstered by melee cleaves. Like die in 2 globals through full mitigation dumpstered. Glad to see you’re pumping. We trying over here lol.
Man, wish I had a team to play 3s on eu
What is the addon that tracks enemy cooldowns in the middle of the screen?
Can you do a UI, weakauras and addons video? An important of your ui would be fantastic if I can get it somehow. Also be cool if you could get an addon showing your ability usages. Barokoshama has it on his Mythic key clears. Super useful for learning players.
wow pvp is so shit , this is the end of wow bois
You need to one shot some of these classes because if how bad class balance is.
what addons are you using? its looking very clean
Great video, which legendary do you use?
What's the addon that you talks about incoming traps or is it a WA and if so, where can i get it 🙂 ? THanks!
Lol I'm struggling at 1.4k with melees diving at me :(. Sick vid. Ele for life
Nice video! What's your opinion on earth shock lege vs echoing shock lege vs earth shield lege? Seen some shamans saying earth shock lege is not worth it since you need a lot of maelstrom to use it. I guess playing with a warlock allows you to free cast a lot, thus giving you a lot of maelstrom?