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Hey guys, finally a video with some good news! Frost Mages are getting some love. They are getting a big boost by Blizzard-Activision overlords, 9% overall damage buff to all abilities.
Venthyr Mages will finally be happy and they may stay Venthyr.
Have a great day!
#wow #mage #buff
To me 9% sounds like shit… I tried playing nf frost around 205 ilvl and my dps was barely better than tank dps
9% is at least 5% too short and they need to add an additional 10% for it to be viable this tier. It's gone from totally shit to garbage, the Dev's must know this or they are shit at their jobs. No one can justifiably roll frost until another round of buffs, given Blizzards speed of making changes don't expect to be able to play it for any high content soon. As someone who find's it hard to get the damage out of fire although getting their slowly since I'm force to pursue it, Blizz really fucked the start of this expansion for me, had they not incompetently nerfed frost to the extent they did I'd have easily been on mythic progress, instead as i come to grips with Fire I'm benched for 2-3 months.
9% isn't enough. I feel sorry for anyone who rolls to frost under the guise that this makes them viable.
Honestly, Im happy with this buff , even if it still not enough.
I'm fine with Arcane being the worst mage spec, just because they're so ridiculous in Torghast. If one of the mage spec is going to be the worst in M+ and raid, I'd rather it be Arcane, if you know what I mean.
4% nerf in november and now this…hilarious
Neat, think most of us already invested too much time into night fae to switch tho, it really just goes back to convenient problems
Glad I stuck it out and didn’t switch to night fae yet
Cool, now the frost mages will be better on logs and arcane will fall to the last position :/
But still in pve and in arena fire will be kings. But I agree that in 2 targets frost could be even a bit better and it's a chance for frost in 2×2.
Cries in arcane.