We will get Classic+ World of Warcraft, one way or another

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I want to talk about the concept of Classic+ and the recent popularity surge of Vanilla+ and Classic+ content in the World of Warcraft community.

In this video I talk about how interest has been increasing exponentially in the WoW community for a Classic+/Vanilla+ server, and that around this exact same time, all sorts of private servers happen to be increasing in size – and they’re all trying to fill that niche.

Ultimately, I realize that some of your sentiments towards all of these new V+/C+ servers was something I was beginning to feel too, “wouldn’t it be great if al of these private servers came together?” Unfortunately, this is something that would probably never happen.

The question then becomes, “will Blizzard make their own Classic+ to capitalize on this yearning for a continuation and reimagining of the original Vanilla world, or after the end of WoTLK:Classic, will we end up with Cataclysm Classic instead?”

Even if all of the current servers that are attempting to fill this V+/C+ niche on their own, it’s important to keep in mind that the increased competition in the scene will ultimately lead to one or many incredible versions of the game, so we’ll always win, even if it takes a little bit longer this way.

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36 thoughts on “We will get Classic+ World of Warcraft, one way or another”

  1. A continuation of the little stories that you went through along the way to max level, and you then get to keep doing that same thing AT max level, will probably help a lot. More rewards for completing stories in zones you havent traveled to yet, or FIX THE POLITICS BEHIND THE HORDE AND ALLIANCE AND ALLOW EACH KINGDOM TO BE THEIR OWN ENTITY. With their own stories instead of "hurr durr horde fight alliance". Make things more in depth, you HAVE the foundation from Warcraft 3 set up for you– USE IT.

  2. I want only remind, that before classic has started, Blizzard asked community if they wanted new new content or not. And community said no. So at some points, players can blame themselves that classic get bored. But at least something is happening in this matter which is cool. But what i could love see from vanilla+ if official?

    1: New races.
    2: New classes.
    3: Or classless.
    4: New dungeons, raids, BG's.
    5: New zones.
    6: Alternative story, narrated by Chromie because, why not?
    7: Some old vanilla zones revamped like Stromgarde rebuilded by Danath.
    8: New quests.
    9: Improved graphics.
    10: Maybe Transmog.
    11: Anything else, what not comes to my mind.

  3. I really wanted Revelations Wow to work, for all the things what were wrong, I really loved what they were doing with the world aesthetically. everything looked so different and i felt like it looked amazing and t made it feel like a completely different game in a way. I don't surf around many private servers but i feel like what they were doing with the graphic reworks of the zones is something that i have not seen before or since on any private server, at least to the extreme degree that they were trying to do it. if anyone knows of one these days that's good feel free to let me know i'd love to give it a try. i'm aware of ones that have little add-ons and such like turtle wow with the tirisfall uplands and the durotar goblin port and all that but i'm talking about full graphical overhauls. if you played rev you know what i mean.

    Also if anyone knows of any classic era servers that somehow have inky black potions incorporated into them, i'd LOVE that as well. i've always wanted to see some of the vanilla zones as they existed in vanilla with that potion on!

  4. I would like to see a version of WOW with like a runescape kinda leveling system.
    Like, remove classes but allow the various class type skills as things you can level by using them.
    For example, break up magic into all its elements that must be trained individually and each spell or skill requires a certain level or combination of levels to be used.
    Or melee skills would require a certain level in that weapon type

  5. Retail WoW is just too much. It‘s too big
    WoW Classic is full of rmt, bots and wotlk even bugs haha

    Hope so much for a better WoW classic+. Come on blizz you have such a great IP do something please😅😅😂

  6. Mcdoubles…I enjoy your content. I have for a while.

    However I feel like this needs to be said, it's something I've thought about for a while, and this video here has led me to say this now.

    You, and people like you, with the "play it five hours and then move on" zoomer mentality, are the reason why we can't get a quality Classic plus official server from Blizz. It's the reason the modern game has turned into nothing but short term experiences, nothing but handouts, nothing but flash and pizzaz.

    Role playing games, and in this particular discussion, MMORPGs, are journeys and tales crafted with love for people to sink many hours in. They're designed to spend your time in. They're worlds created to lose yourself in and live the role of someone or some thing that is not yourself.

    However, the MMORPG community at large, specifically the WoW one, has developed the mentality that you have. You don't spend much time ANYWHERE. You even say in this video that WoW used to be about the journey, and now it is not. Homeboy that is on YOU. The world is here already! The game exists! Yet you're focused on getting end game and experiencing everything ONCE, and then you move on.

    That doesn't make any sense. It comes across that you don't actually like MMORPGs. Sounds like you want a fantasy live service game with no focus on story and all focus on flash and constantly changing things.

    You ask for so much in all of these videos that you make and yet the mentality that you present does not convey confidence that you will stay around and play it long term to the fullest.

    Why would a group or a company spend all the time necessary to make one of these types of experiences that you say you're looking for, if there is such a high likelihood that you and many others won't play it for more than 10 hours before asking for more and then quitting for something else?

    C'mon man.

  7. Agree. So many great things about new expansions, but leveling being more of a chore than a part of the game is not one of them. Game design wise that doesn't even make sense to me lol. But I guess leveling should be more fun then. If it's fun, who cares if it takes forever to level? And it obviously can't go on "forever". Maybe levels are just an outdated concept, at least that they "stop" and you're max level and then you "start". Like ilvl/gear is more what people care about now? Not sure

    Even some servers like Duskhaven have this problem. Max level, be stuck in dungeons all day. Love dungeons, but no variety.

    To some extent this is the players fault for sure. But devs need to "control" their players, I guess you could say. Otherwise it becomes "meta." lol. People take path of least resistance.

    Also don't like how post classic (and even classic itself somewhat) is how old content/zones just stop mattering. Outlands, northernend, etc is fine. But when TBC came out, all the raids in vanilla. Why bother? Wotlk? Why bother with TBC? Not much new content in old zones either, max level or otherwise. Some level 80 content in outlands? :O
    So sad.

    And you're right I change what I want on the daily xD

  8. If I were the CEO I would declare maintenance status for retail (f2p, 0 new content but servers keep running) and I would order to start a wow game project on unreal engine 5. Cataclysm classic would never happen.

    I would keep the 3 true classic expansions in development updating content, finishing stories like the one we can see in your video, take the "inspritation" from private servers and keep the universe of warcraft with different eras and times alive at the same time.

    I basically feed the classic fans with classic+ content while I work on a new gen project.

  9. At 6 min in you are Slightly wrong. The first raids were strath scholo and brd. MC, BWL, ONY,ZG those were events when they came out. I remember when the pvp system came out and hillsbrad became it's own battleground for weeks. You got to pick your own end game. Some people picked raids, other picked pvp, others picked the auction house. I had a few friends who did all of the quests before there was an achievement for it.

    I think what pre bc did right over all other expansions was foster that sense of community in guilds. World bosses, rare spawns, or just needing help farming because the other faction took over the nodes you wanted. Also the reputations were "hard" to farm but were "worth" the investment depending on your professions.

  10. vanilla wow leveling pace is the best overall dungeons should never be the best way to level just a source of gear and maybe a quick bump in xp from the dungeon quests.
    give me
    wotlk esk class design
    more elite zones/group/open world dungeons
    more pvp incentives/zones/gear ect while leveling
    tons of sporadic moments along the journey
    then just level cap at 60 and just expand on the wow we know and love

  11. To be honest, I've been playing ESO for a lot of the reasons you point out loving original wow. The leveling, the journey, the world. it feels good and that's the point. I've also been playing on Duskhaven and enjoying that. A lot of people don't like ESO and thats fine, but for me its doing the same thing atm.

  12. Blizzard should just release tools so private devs can upload and create private servers hosted by Blizzard. The community will have easier access to them and then blizzard can choose to support the popular ones more so with their owns devs if they want to.

  13. Got a couple things i would love to see.

    I mean new lore based classes/races like warden (warrior rogue combo), Necromancer (warlock/DK combo), maybe like a battle mage (mage/shaman) so we can experience Azeroth in a new light instead of as a mage or warrior for the 3rd time. Ogres/High Elves/wven some of the newer races could be cool.

    As for features, maybe Instanced zones that scale with your level with repeatable quests and have AI trying to beat you, so you have to race to compete quests against AI, which is also trying to kill you, similar to how Island Expedition was.

    Also maybe for more casuals, like a 5 Man scaling raids and a LFR as well, with a LFR 5 Man que and downscaled gear so someone with limited time can still get a budget thunderfury, while more hardcore people can raid for better gear with higher stats, making it more about how you want to spend your time with being harcore a bit more rewarding, but not completely blowing people out of the water if they can still do some 5 mans.

  14. Bravo my dude! Very good summary, fenomenal optimism and vibe in the tone of your voice… I got the sensation of how it would be to enter that world. En eye opener for the community in general and hopefully for Blizzard specifically. GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!! ❤️

  15. If SoM 2 doesn’t have any new content or balancing why should I play that over Classic Era?
    Classic Era is taking off right now. Not just HC. If it’s just a restart then everyone is going to treat li like a race toward Endgame instead of just having fun in an MMORPG.

  16. The reason some vanilla dungeons are so expansive is that they started making them before even knowing whether they would be instanced or part of the world. And in the later case, the idea was that the dungeon is so big because multiple groups could be clearing different areas or wings of the dungeon.

  17. I'm a new player who's just started vanilla wow, im enjoying this more than when I played retail for like a week not really feeling engaged the entire time of that week, and more fun than ffxiv the click npc sim

  18. Honestly I feel Turtle WoW/private servers will push Blizz to give people classic plus. I'd play Turtle WoW but I kind of hate what they did with Blood Elves, I'm not a fan of retconning lore just cause you don't like the already official lore. There are so many things I want in classic plus, so I'll actually just state the few things I DON'T want: flying mounts, 25/10 man raids, cosmetic overload like transmog, tokens, and last but not least bots. Though I'll be honest, Blizzard won't ever beat the bots because they make too much money off them.


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