BIG INFO! Blizzard's Plans For Patch 9.1 PvP And Beyond In Shadowlands! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1 PTR

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Sub Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:


0:00 Intro
0:49 What Is New In 9.1
1:44 Gear Issues
3:46 Hybrid Healing
4:47 Insane PvP Burst
7:16 Soloque and 6v6


22 thoughts on “BIG INFO! Blizzard's Plans For Patch 9.1 PvP And Beyond In Shadowlands! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1 PTR”

  1. WoW has always been fun in Bgs. They need to reinforce that with more emphasis on a better BG experience. Heck just start with soloqueue on RBGs? 6 man teams. 1 Tank, 1 healer, 4 DPS. You queue into an RBG as a tank, healer, or dps. I don't think comp matters nearly as much in that instance compared to arena games.

  2. 2:46 fresh gear reset is the MAIN REASON why I quit wow. You have all the progress over months and a new patch comes out and you replace it with shit easy gear. Blizzard really needs to stop this theme park roller coaster gearing to actually have players stay with the game

  3. Spoiler alert: pvp update
    1. No new bgs
    2. No new bgs modes
    2a. No stock mode, or team deathwatch mode
    3. Never endless "balancing"
    4. Only focusing on Arenas because it is easier to make an arena map than an Bg/Rbg

  4. Nothing you mentioned sounded good. The game already feels lethal, and CD play is how PvP has always been and what makes it exciting; mastering a class to know how to counter the enemy and when to use CC evecticely.

    Lots of Ret targeted hate while you can roll into a triple Boomy 3’s team and get roasted in .7seconds.

  5. I agree there are concerns however let's clarify people still do skirmishes endlessly to find a partner or practice.And people who have teams they have teams .It won't change much except invite other players to win rating .Plan it ,do it ,plow through whatever happens the community will help by either crying or assisting and balance will happen. You can't force people to get pvp gear but don't have a solo que system .It doesn't work .It was inevitable it was going to happen ,because people keep requesting it.

  6. Blizz should get their Asses Out of their golden Tower and should try something even IT could fail.
    Im a Shift worker, that alone makes IT very hard to get PPL to Play with regulary. I dont want to Talk about pugs who leaved after the First loss., Sometimes i can Play only For an hour at 3am after Work.
    On t top of all you face bored Rank 1 Players more offen AS U try to climb then PPL with same Gear/mmr.

    Solo would erase a Lot of Problems i have right now even If i end Up with a Bad comp.
    Andbi dont See that AS negativ, U will Play with PPL U maybe never would Play with right now and get more flexibel instead of the one Trick Pony metas WE stuck with.

  7. OMG! "make the game more lethal" dude, seriously? More lethal than fire mage + ret popping all their CDs? and that's just one of many comps that can global you in seconds.

  8. 4:38 "we don't know what they will be giving these classes back"
    yes we do, it is nothing, nada, zip. Blizz has said they won't make major changes mid expansion, so they won't be getting new defensives. They will kill hybrid healing across the board with some arbitrary percentage, making several specs unplayable because they've been given shit defensive CDs to offset their healing like enhancement shaman.
    Of course the absolute beast of passive self-healing that is fury warrior will remain untouched since it is not technically a hybrid, but it is fine that a class with 2dps specs and a tank spec is capable of outhealing classes with healing specs. JustBlizzardBalance.

  9. It needs new battlegrounds both regular and epic, it also needs more arena's as well. Also they need to take a deep look at classes make them better. Also for gear for those that put the hard work in they should get the best as for this new season recycle stuff those that had some form of currency at the end of one season it should be able to carry over not changed over to a lame ass amount of gold which I can say right now gold has no value.

  10. If they give us soloque they should just add safepoint in soloque pvp like each 50 rating earned you can safe rating like your 1400 rating save your rating the system tells you need 50 rating difference to save your rating agian so the system says you must have 1450 to save your rating agian so thats like 4-5 wins need it to safe your rating . You still lose rating . you just drop back to your to save thats 1400.if you havent reached 1450 . this is only for soloque

  11. why can't they just balance the teams properly according to ilvl so players who join the game mid season don't face players who have been playing all season?

    an 190ilvl character should not be seeing a 230ilvl in arenas or bg's

    or at least, make it so an equal amount of high and low ilvl players are in a game, for example if the enemy team has a 230ilvl player then our team should have one as well. If there's an 190ilvl character on our team, there should be one on theirs as well. Their specs should also match, a healer at 190ilvl does not equal a dps at 190ilvl and vice versa

  12. Nerf the burst gameplay? Meanwhile my 205 ilvl rogue can’t even damage down a disc priest shield. The shitty direction they’re going is retarded. Dude in charge of PvP needs to get moved to a different department. It’s clearly not his strong suit.


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