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Behold the god class in Shadowlands. The new destro lock. The Thanos of WoW. Ladies and gentlemen, our time has come.
Yea so in this video I’m melting people 1v2 on my shadow priest on the pre-patch and we did a mini 1v1 tournament on the Shadowlands Beta.
Hope you enjoy!
Music used: DOOM OST
Nice editing:)
Hey Mr. Anybody, which dps specs work best with aff in SL?
am confused : is that shadowlands prepatch or 2009 pvp movie?
Your vids are so sick, I wonder how other classes and specs content creators feel knowing Spriest has the most Godlike of them all. Always stay melting faces!
anboni who?
Nobody: Anboni who?
Everyone else: the king of Shadows and editing.
That stomping joke on the mage was to good 😂
Was wondering why you were slacking on streams lately. This video probably took insane amount of time to edit
I’m glad for you. But I’m still pissed about thoughtsteal. 😛
Yo man sick video! What's the addon which shows buffs/debuffs on the right of their nameplate? Cheers for the content brother
Dude great video that was so good LOL
mm mmm mm
Ally: Dies
Anboni: "Fine, I'll do it myself."
What's the addon that makes the damage number POP?
what a sick montage boni
Gold content spotted (*)
nerf inc 🙁
Anboni with the heater……nice!
can i keep u as a pet? i could feed u.. u know, children
people always ask "who is anboni?", why not "how is anboni?" sadge
Hey do you want to be on my arena team 🙂
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
What is everyone gonna play in Shadowlands? I am excited for my ENHANCEMENT SHAMAN!
Dude loved it glad you will be getting rank 1 this coming season