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Switch to you from all other WoW content creators. Keep the unfiltered thoughts coming! Love the honesty.
We need to get Bob a record deal.
Did you say Flags? lol
why the hell give it a cooldown at all? Some of the things Blizzard does makes no logical sense
Dang I like your set in the opener warden set with pally helm?
Hopefully the ice wall bug in Rise is finally fixed also.
Your funny music intros and outros and positive videos are great. Very underrated wow content creator
Tott is much harder than rise in pugs.
Biggest draw of doing timewalking raid is that raid mounts drop out of the bag with heroic gear not just the heroic gear. I got mimiron head and handmaiden from them
It's not like I was going to use it on my main, but I farmed the races to buy that manuscript shit just for them to take it away from me just a week later and not refund the tokens nor give me toy in exchange?
the health nerf of Murozonds has desynced the abilities because they just chain of after another without a pause like before… did us dirty after the nerf dunno if they fixed it yet didnt do much m+ since
I'm so sick of them putting long ass cooldowns on toys…
It ruins them and makes them completely pointless and unfun.
Everytime I find a new toy I'm like
"oh that's really cool!"
reads the cooldown
"omg… I'm never gonna use this"
Did you hit the randomizer on that transmog? What is that?!
Genuinely love the outro song brother, so good. Thank you
perfect description of Ashran, also Rise is the last dungeon i need to time at 20+ – literally hate DOTI so much – i dont even want the portal because i never want to go back to that awful dungeon after this season.
the nerfs in Murazods rise aren't really that needed. its the need to fix chormie where she wont bug out when she's playing with the slime-blob. I bricked 2 keys this past week because she kept bugging out and wont open the doorway in the ice wall. I watched some friends doing a +5 MR last night in a discord stream and she bugged on them as well
How do you use the random dragon riding mount?? Anytime you mount any dragon, it will be random??
The flag is a lie
Customer Service has been non-existent for a long time as it is.. No change there, just getting worse and worse. If it existed i'd still be playing on my first account, but that shit don't exist.
Community managers were affected? You mean the whole 1 (one) we had for EU?
The video was going good until that stupid song at the end 🤮🤮
where is the welcome back to wow free days or 7 free days to play wow anymore
When the Outland Cup is over, will the toy you mentioned become unobtainable?
How do you get the white/golden appearance for the dragon at 0:47?
when they make mistakes like this you end up realizing that developers of this game really do not care, do not play this game, and do the bare minimum.
Bruh I can't wait to troll as an orc wearing new love trading post outfit. Nothing like a fat green male in a frilly pink dress… PVP gonna be funny af.
I've never understood most of the cd's of toys, they are toys, we should be able to enjoy them anytime anywhere. Like if i want to have a pumpkin head for my head MOG i shouldn't have to wait for Oct to use it again etc…
God bless the king of wow…. Bob the great…..
Wow, what is that white and gold mount at 0:51?
Player Housing ?? !
Seed spawns in Emerald dream seems to be far less, and they arent account bound. Just 1 example of how Blizz sees the HUGE dip in decent content so they extend the time it takes to do the current stuff. Well at least we can race in Outland!! and look like 1940s archaeologists. Im not a huge advocate for player housing, but it needs to happen. It would be the new transmog. The illusion of content is just that, illusory. the game needs sustainable activities to keep casuals interested.
I missed out on the Kalimdor and Kingdom Cups, so I was hoping to catch up by doing the Outland cup on all my alts. But they've removed the old stuff from the vendor, only the scarf is still there. Does this seriously mean I have to wait until January 9 of 2025 to be able to get the old outfit?? (That's when the Kalimdor Cup is on the calendar) /sigh