Hero Talent Backlash, Dark Rangers and Setting the Record Straight – Warcraft Weekly

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Hero Talents in The War Within are arguably the expansion’s most important addition and with 8 more specs introduced this week the debate among players is only heating up! Today we take on the drama directly and confirm Blizzard’s intent while addressing the real challenges players are facing!

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830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Intro
0:30 Why Dark Rangers aren’t working out
7:09 Are Hero Talents Covenants 2.0?
9:27 Balance, choice and pressure in 2024
12:36 WoW Made Easy

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22 thoughts on “Hero Talent Backlash, Dark Rangers and Setting the Record Straight – Warcraft Weekly”

  1. What's the % of players that would turn away from the game if a Hero talent went against the traditional theme? I honestly dont know those numbers, but i have to believe it's small. Never, ever, ever gonna please everyone. So dont. Just go forward. I congratulate Blizz for this approach. The past is the past. Trying to curtail everything new from lore is a mistake. Go Blizz!

  2. "maybe that worries you, maybe you think that means they'll get the best first pass. Choose your copium."
    demon hunters that played at the end of shadowlands are very familiar with this feeling. Got our trees after everyone else.

  3. The rogue one is absolutely garbage, another button to press, exactly what we don’t need as outlaw and sub! It’s also insainly lazy, must of took 5 seconds to think of faint now doing damage. I just do not get why we need another talent layer upon the new talents that for many classes still need balancing and reordering to make more sense. Let’s face it, Bliz have issues balancing what we have now let alone adding another layer of balancing, and I guarantee there will be no option with this, one will be OP by design which will funnel you into playing the way Bliz want. There are so many other things I wanted to see come to wow before more dev time was spent on more bolt on talents. Player housing, guild halls, the thing I see the majority saying they would like to see come to wow properly, but no, more talents! Call them hero and it will somehow make them different. This is going to be rip cord 2.0.

  4. I actually think the game has gone too far with giving people options. It used to be you could tell what someone was, and what kind of content they were doing, just by looking at them. Each class was distinct and identifiable. You also had to choose carefully at the beginning because race/class mattered. If you wanted to be a healer, you had a couple of options and they had important pros and cons. Now we have a bunch of players who don't know how to play their class because they turned it into another class instead of just playing that other class. And we have a night elf city that welcomes the horde. World of Wokecraft.

  5. I'm starting to question whether or not the WoW community has PTSD from Shadowlands, Hero Talents are no different than class specializations, are people going to gravitate towards the one overperforming in DPS? Absolutely, but the same goes for class specs so much so I fail to see the difference, what if you like to play Spec A? Tough shit, Spec B is better and you'll perform better in Raids and Dungeons if you learn how to play it, Hero Talents will be just the same I really don't see any difference, people just hear covenants and they quake for some odd reason, I can tell you as someone who played throughout Shadowlands the main problem with covenants was that you couldn't switch on a whim, when they removed that friction no one ever complained about them after.

  6. I think the covenant comparison has less to do with the grind and really is just aesthetic vs power. A lot of the arguments made sound like ones used for coventants, mainly "not everyone is super dps minded and will go with what they think is cool". Historically that never seems to pan out.

    Honestly, I think the biggest issue with hero talents is that theyre trying to do two different things. Some, like dark ranger, lean more into class skins light, while other like diabolist could have just been an extension of demo and no one would have batted an eye. I wonder how much better this system would have been received if they just made new telents that were hyper fantasy forward for their spec. They could even trial run a few class skins but it would be seperate from hero talents, maybe under a greater banner of new class fantasies that skins and talents would separately be apart of.

  7. From the perspective of someone that doesn’t min-max, unless one tree choice leaves me massively underpowered compared to the other I’m just going to go with whichever choice feels cooler to me. I don’t care about the 5% dps difference because I’m not trying to do mythic raids. For those that are min-maxers, it seems they’re not even attached to a class or race itself, they swore allegiance to the numbers long ago, so does it really matter much to them if their best numbers come from the tree with a less interesting lore?

  8. Problem with Hero Talents is the same issue as Covenant Trees. My r.shaman got Vesper Totem & was OP in M+ the entirety of Shadowlands. My r.druid got covoke which was meh all of SL for M+ & raid. My priest whom got Boon of the Ascended was very good in M+. The covenant abilities were NOT close in relation to each other for player power e.g. r.sham =OP, Priest =good, druid convoke =meh. Shadowlands was two years, RIP if your class got a crappy convanent ability.

  9. After two decades I am benching my warrior. A lot of it has to do with not being able to access the Mountain Thane on my Arms Warrior. I do RP and like Class Fantasy, with Mountaine Thane being very much based on thunder and lightning and not having access to it my entire RP/Class Fantasy has flushed down the drain. Personally would like them to lift the specialization restrictions on the Hero Talents, giving the players a choice.

  10. The only class fantasy i think is missing is shadow hunter. Stormbringer is just a little boring as thats basically what shaman already is so thats where i would like to see it

  11. Class skins can just be added constantly with no impact on future tuning….they are truly evergreen. When you get bored of a skin swap it out, you do you. Hero talents add dev cost and sim hand-wringing to every patch from now till the end of time.


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