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🔥Patch 10.2.7 is here and it came with a sweep of season 4 class updates including the long awaited vengeance dh nerf, fury warrior tier set buffs and some 10.2.7 affliction buffs among others. The whole list of 10.2.7 class changes will be covered extensively in the video and you can check it in the link below but suffice to say, there are still a lot of specs to be adresset in 10.2.7 season 4!
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Season 4 Melee DPS Tier List in M+ (10.2.6)👀
Ret Paladin Hero Talents: Reworked AGAIN!?👀
nc wow MM hunter OP no need buff wtf
It’s hard to say just by looking at the numbers considering a decent dmg buff to a specific skill could result in a higher position in the button pressing hierarchy.
Haven't played WoW in quite some time now. But I like to stay tuned with you and Catcelian just to stay up to speed. Love your guys' content and entertainment value to boot. Take care guys!
Annnnd Sub rogue remains a noodle slapping stun bot(PVP)
What nameplate add on is that?
Hope the buffs for boomie and affli doesn't affect in pvp. Boomie dmg is broken and affli in long fights dominating 😅
Assassination still isn't going to be getting fair returns on DPS compared to the complexity and rigidity of our gameplay.
Coming from a washed up Prot warrior, I feel like Bolster is nice because in high magic damage situations, you can funnel all that rage into ignore pain instead of splitting it with Shield Block for that duration. Am I wrong for thinking this? lol
Is this live this week? 😊
No ret nerf?
Being an assassin I see the issue being the lack of multi-target. It’s a single target build with 3 ways to do AOE without re-targeting enemies. You have fan, poison bomb, and tempest. So unless they allow for us to cleave poisons onto other targets within a certain range with minimal raw damage without just spamming fan and tempest over and over again. I don’t see how the spec can be made viable to M+. Targeting each enemy separately and having to just sit there reapplying your poisons constantly was tedious and your damage was very inconsistent if the mobs were spread out. Also delves will be botched if we can’t use vanish. That’s just a big loss in DPS due to not being able to use your stealth abilities which makes up 3-4 of your abilities useless to your kit after the opener of a fight.
I’m glad that they fixed the Balance Druid tier set bonuses. I’m using the 2-set from S3 with 2-set from S4 and it’s not bad at all. Now I can let go of S3 without the bad taste
Bro thanks so much for this, I main mainly tanks of all types and just made a Warlock (first Squishie im trying to play). This is gold cheers lol
I feel Blizzard should of had all season sets available and let us Pick what tier set we want to use, instead of voting on 1 set that everyone is stuck with.
I'm Still only playing assassination. Idk.. if its even good but I've cranked(486IL so not high, its an alt) 440k in AOE fights and can burst to 350k single. However, my energy depletes after a certain amount of time and I have to essentially wait for a thistle tea to bring me back from beyond. I usually just see Outlaw rogues these days but I cant stand the playstyle. Sub feels better but still boring just spamming SS non stop. I enjoy keeping my bleeds rolling.
yes love when they nerf the lowest mythic+ tank. blizzard hates monks
Maybe you can help me. I just hit 70 but haven't finished dragonflight campaign. Im doing the guardians of the dream campaign. Am i doing something wronf im lost
Buff frost dk ffs blizzard
Blizzard doesnt understand that the thing they have to change is to either remove the hard cap on the specs or make every spec hard capped in the main rotation. Until then they will never be able to remove the dominant meta of the specs with soft cap.
Great t-shirt choice 💀👍
What class you recommend for a wownoob using level 70 boost? Would like burst, mobility and not to easy skill use/rotation. Seems to me maybe warrior would be a good allround choice especially now with these buffs? Wanna do a lot of solo grind so thinking about survivability as well. And for queuing tanks spec would be nice I'm guessing😎
Where ist my plaguebringerbuff 😵😤. Unholy does nothing without cds. They could remove the effect when bigcd ist out
NOT MY DEMON HUNTER NOOOOOOO 😭 I just changed my main to it cause it was so fun to play 😭😭😭
I think it is a shame of blizzard that they keep the dh class at the top level for so long and do nothing.
illuminated sigils is biggest joke on a tank ever. Having the tank can completly solo lockdown a whole pack for this long is just ridiculus. No other tank is even close to that amount of cc. Noone cares about mobility and spell reflects and what not. Doing high keys is all about CC and Surviving
The stagger "buff" barely accomplishes anything. We die to autos in high keys
I mean… as a prot war main I’ve not taken Battering Ram all expansion at all. No idea why they bothered to nerf it. No top warriors use it either.
demon hunter with the big tits suffocating me in my sleep