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Checking out the class changes and sweeping legendary buffs in last week’s beta patch!
0:00 Intro
1:19 Death Kngiht
5:52 Demon Hunter
9:50 Druid
22:05 Hunter
26:13 Mage
33:37 Monk
39:59 Paladin
44:23 Priest
46:38 Rogue
57:00 Warlock
1:01:35 Warrior
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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀
#nubkeks #wow #shadowlands #worldofwarcraft #beta
Is shiv off the GCD? If so then the Shiv legendary just adds to the burst of a Evis > Mark for death > Evis + (now adding) Shiv
Expelharm gave 2 its nerfed to 1
Wtf is on his mage’s back?
Unless it makes mistweaver monk viable I am so apathetic now.
Survival leggos seem so boring.
I don’t understand Blizzard’s logic. Like, why nerf anything for a class that’s underperforming? Like for example, why are feral druids receiving nerfs to covenant abilities when they are literally last place? Why not try to make every class competitive? Is it because they try to balance PVE & PVP together?
Hi, what are you using for health bar color matching class color??
On what planet is too much crit a thing?
do a reaction of asmon's reaction! you guys are like complete opposites I think it would be funny
Great vid as always. Not sure why people are losing their minds over your DPS video. Everything is going to change drastically, what with Covenants, Conduits, Legendries, etc.,.
Reaction to the reacton please and thx
Again holy priest doesn't matter, just be disc mentality continues. 😢
Ret Palas are already struggling on the damage meters. That's without the toolkit coming in Shadowlands. The last thing they needed was a nerf to the tool kit they haven't even got yet.
I'll be playing Holy. But I can really see myself having a hard time throughout the first tier.
This isn't to say that other specs and classes aren't struggling too.
Your last video, on the dps standings in prepatch. It wasn't a bit of fun. Yes the Azerite traits are unbalanced, or rather, weren't balanced around the current build. But reality is, this is where we are without the Shadowlands toolkit. So if people think that those bars are going to change all that much once Shadowlands hits. They're in denial.
Single minded fury should be 15% dmg 5-10% haste instead of 12% dmg and 5% movement speed. Change my mind
I really like your attitude and you got a nice voice to listen to. Keep being awesome! So non-toxic and informative. I like your content a lot! (This is not saying streamers like Asmon are toxic, he is actually a decent guy as well. I like his content too)
Arcane mage looks really solid, hope its good this time
General question! will the heart of Azeroth & the legendary Cloak (from BFA) be a thing in SL or not really ? Thanks
If you don't mention what the original effect were and the buffed/nerfed effect is now. What's even the point with the video?
Make us some META 3x reaction content, hi Asmongold!
They need to chill the fk out and make up their minds. Do they want this expac to be cool or do they want another bfa. Cuz all these fkn reworks to things that are way less cool is lookin like bfa
i like your videos and i see the reaction of asmongold too it was so funny because of warriors damage
PS : I'm warrior too so … grrr
Bring back 5 seconds after stealth or uninstall.