Blizz Under Pressure, Best Transmog News Yet And Incredible Visuals of Harrowfall! Warcraft Weekly

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The past few weeks have been a mix of excitement and frustration as Blizzard swats bugs in their latest content releases. Meanwhile the War Within train is running strong with some stunning visuals of Harrowfall, Engineering updates, and great Transmog news!

Dark Heart cinematic

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

0:00 Blizz dealing with bugs across Warcraft eras
2:56 Dark Heart facts and references
6:09 Hallowfall interior visuals
6:47 Engineering debut highlights
8:13 Class tokens are now Warbound

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#warcraft #dragonflight #thewarwithin


38 thoughts on “Blizz Under Pressure, Best Transmog News Yet And Incredible Visuals of Harrowfall! Warcraft Weekly”

  1. Second time you use that future ex gf line. Is it some inside joke or what am I not getting? Do you label every woman ingame like that or is it a reference at something I'm missing? I feel it's supposed to be some meme…

  2. I love ya Breezy, but man the doomer bait makes this channel tough to watch. "WoW is doing a lot of awesome stuff right now. Is that a sign of its decline!?"

    Ik negativity get more clicks than positivity, but come on man.

  3. Let us solo BFA raids already, my boyfriend and I are 505+ ilvl and still can't DUO Dazaralor because the bosses just silence both of us, they said they would fix it before Dragonflights release

  4. They are hiring because QA is the worst job in IT, but it's a great bridge to move inside the company after that. Pretty sure they are currently spread thin because of some people moving to other positions and not able to replace them, which would explain the big bugs that came with s4 launch.

  5. just a heads up for your super secret plan Soul, if you loot gold from raid bosses, but ignore the purples….it is still mailed to your mailbox later, depending on how many weeks you decide to farm…could miss out on a few thousand raw gold, just passing it along =)

  6. Most of the bugs have been the world events, which is werid to me since they really didnt change them at all except increase the item level. Since there isnt really any world content for season 4 this sucks even more

  7. .26 had nooo testing because of Plunder storm, all this Season 4 stuff was burried in there, and it just wasnt tested
    It was really annoying dealing with all the bugs on launch week. Oh well

  8. Farming like the tmog farming in the past always locked the items to what they were when dropped. So in your situation they would be locked without the warbound or use action.

  9. I still don't understand why we go 4-6 months without any content and then stuff is coming out every couple weeks. WWI is a ways off, there was no reason to cram Panda leveling in so tight to Season 4. Let it breath 4-6 weeks.

  10. I did buy the upcoming Exp just to se it end up on a US account i have never use or even did know i did have. I play on EU. So have No clue Why Blizz did think i wanted to play on a US account. Now i most wait like up to 10days to get my money back for something Blizzard did wrong 😑

  11. The 30day Transmog runs and keep it in Mailbox was a smart idea!
    Got an AutoSeller addon that lets me set an ilvl threshold and any soulbound gear below that will be vendors. Perfect to clear bags, open everything in the mail, click a button to auto-vendor, rince and repeat!

  12. The design is boring and lazy. Nothing but recycled dungeons and they can't even keep those working properly. WTF are we subbing for now if we're only getting recycled slop?

  13. I may be mistaken, but I think I recall hearing that QA was a layoff target within Microsoft (not sure if blizz specifically) and they were seeking to outsource more of that work.

  14. They are focused on polishing War Within (The expansion they hope brings old players back), not polishing Season 4. That is probably the reason for the S4 launch bugs

  15. Come on man this was clearly made just for the clicks.
    It has always been an issue when new seasons come out there are bugs out of the gate. So no they aren't falling behind.
    It's known negative videos get more views so kudos on playing the game because I clicked only because of that to actually see if it was something worth complaining about, and it's not


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