What Does World of Warcraft Look Like In 2050?

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World of Warcraft in the future, what could this look like? In this episode of Talking WoW, we fast forward to the year 2050 and predict what state the game will be in or if it even still exists. One thing is for sure: we don’t have the Love Rocket yet!

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10 thoughts on “What Does World of Warcraft Look Like In 2050?”

  1. I've been thinking about this recently. Mainly, thinking about the software. I just can't see a future where we're playing this WCIII-core engine on Windows 42 in 2050. They've got to make a new engine. There's just no way they can do anything else.

  2. The overall take to me is as simple as this:
    Anyone who have simply read "Lord of Clans" and felt that WoW once, will never, ever respect what was done to wow, retail, classic, or any other. Because this game, WoW, is not, and might not never be that game again, not in spirit, not in storytelling, not in any way but maybe cosmetic UI game mechanics. It could be a "better system" eventually, but it will never be a better game, because a game is more than the system. WoW as a long time a bad game system, a bad game mechanically, but for the sheer power of its story telling and lore a popular game. Now it is also a bad story teller, and did not improved in any other way. Every single competitor of wow improved in one or more of those aspects, even Everquest. WoW is only worse.

    There is a ACADEMIC STUDY on how WoW was "dumbed down" from its launch to 2022 retail state.

    Talking about studies, there are studies facebook and other companies did which shows that people dont really on average tolerate hours of use of VR daily, which might lead to health and mental issues, therefore things like Metaverses, or VR games, they are not a thing that might get "massive"as much as it should to create a market for that, because it is not something the human body is mostly adept of. You might like, I might like, but after a while, in general, people start to feel bad and concerned about what it does to the quality of your life while you are not "in", so people might not adopt it. So as far as business go, the future of gaming is Augumented reality and not Virtual Reality, and mostly to the tone of "AI of things" rather than "google glasses".

    WoW can be around as long as they like, even more so now that MS might keep it there just as "another one" of the the many things MS keeps around because their pocket change allows it.
    The true question is: "is WoW profitable ?"
    MS is over the idea of single serving things being profitable. Windows Home sales are not profitable to MS, they just exist so corporate windows can bank on the fact that home windows trains the "keyboard monkeys" in using windows, so companies have a hard time adopting anything else.
    Almost all arguments about WoW boils down to: If you like wow you say some stuff, if you dont like wow you say some other stuff, but as a business, as a product, nothing of that matters.
    And Classic, it is not a success for any margin, and the guy was right when he said "you think you do, but you dont". No one who played wow at that time can say with a straight face classic is the same experience or the same game. It is not, objectively not. It is not the public, it is not the community, THE GAME is not the same. It was fixed and changed to be liked today, and even so is doing as well as people think it is. Classic is not its own sub not because retail need it, it is the other way around. If not for being a retail perk, Classic would dwindle and die on its users who would pay for it alone.

  3. I am hopeful that we get player housing before 2050. Also, I foresee more personal character interactions, like romancing NPCs and/or alts!

    I also plan on haunting the game when I pass so I can keep playing the game until the servers shut down, then just haunt the next big MMO.

  4. Hopefully dead and forgotten, as it fucking should be. Shit tier game for longer than it was ever good. Run by a company that made it's support team live in their cars in the fucking parking lot. Fuck blizzard, fuck activision, fuck wow. Anyone who plays the game is either an idiot, or a sycophant.


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