Blizzard Are Finally Cracking Down On Addons In World of Warcraft

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24 thoughts on “Blizzard Are Finally Cracking Down On Addons In World of Warcraft”

  1. I challenge myself to play with few addons as possible. I dont see all the WA timers and stuff anyway, somehow my eyes dont caption it. I only use bigdebuffa and tmw, for a few timers to track my own cds.

  2. I dont think an addon that shows another players cool downs for pvp should be allowed at all. You shpuld not know what the other player will do. Now i believe there ate afdons that should not be touch or restricted by Blizzard- the ones that assist any disabled player or a player that may have arthritic issues. Thise add9ns should be allowed for raids. Blizzard needs to be very careful about this. But knowing Blizzard, they will screw this up royally.

  3. Cracking down on addons is cool so long as they design encounters to not have a dozen group-wiping-important things to track simultaneously. Sure, you can tell people to git gud, but they won't. They'll just play something else.

  4. i 100% agree with ven here, the game needs to be designed around NO addons in all cases. If addon's give you an unfair advantage that makes them a necessity remove that functionality

  5. I prefer 0 addons and tone down some mechanics/add more sound or animated queues to boss skills to not rely on them otherwise it makes it very difficult to progress in PvE. Also improve the UI a bit, not to a Elvui level but something in between with the advanced "basics"

  6. I really hope they will continue this pad and succeed. It would make the game much more accessible for current and new players. An ui shouldn’t be a (kpi) dashboard. I think there currently is an information overload.

  7. i will quit without addons… i really dont want to look on my healthbar on top left and then searching for my target again in the middle of the screen or searching my procs or cooldowns on the other side of the screen

  8. Something like this happened in og wotlk icc days.

    At some point i think before WF Arthas 25hc, there was an addon that printed in your screen things like dr putricide blob floor projectile's landing areas, that trivialised the fight so much that it turn boring.

    People who did install the addon, had a very high upper hand on the fight, making it trivial.

    The solution was to "fix" the lua code or something from Blizzard's part, and at some point after some hotfixes, using the addon would drop your FPS to 1fps or so, forcing players to not use it, and it worked.

    I wonder if they could do the same thing with this.

  9. The game is bugged on its own already, think that's the reason for not implementing all these different settings and stuff u can do to avoid use of addons. Imagine how buggy it would be with it, they have no people to take good care of it. For example, if your actionbars gets all buggy and stuff, they can just blame it on bt4, cause when u have problems with original actionbars, they cant help you, they just say reset interface and Cvar_default.

  10. I quit playing retail WoW because how difficult it was to get into it, and all the addons were part of it. I am solely a classic player now. Whenever I bring this up, I just get flamed by retail players for needing to get good lol, instead of just fixing your barrier to entry. You guys will eventually bleed playerbase without a way to get new ones.

  11. The original reason why people downloaded these addons was to try bridge the gap between the high rated players, if they turned off the addons people that relied on the addons more then others would see a rating decrease. without foghorns going off everyone other ability when someone uses there cds etc they would just flop over as now they would need to know every symbol each and every spec has and what it does, this does not help a new player at all and just makes the task more daunting. Be careful of what you wishful , people have been playing this game for 20 years what chance does jimmy have when he's just picked up the game?

    Analogy goes everyone can play basketball but what chance is it that you make it into the NBA and play for the Lakers, very slim to none chance that doesn't mean you shouldn't play basketball if you like playing the game but you have to have realistic expectations based on your own ability. Getting a r1 title is almost like winning a NBA championship and everyone that competed that season gets the mount.

    The question really is should the obtainment of these rewards have should a high ceiling to entry? and the answer is most likely not they might as well have the rewards from winning blizzcon etc.
    now my answer or solution to this problem is to add a renown system like they have just added for the raid in season 2, this should fix the rewards being so gated to only a select few and also increase participation though someone in the previous video you made discredited my idea though somehow it has now made its way into the game.


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