Blizzard CAN fix the Warcraft Alt Problem

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Blizzard CAN fix the Warcraft Alt Problem #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #game #twitchclips


17 thoughts on “Blizzard CAN fix the Warcraft Alt Problem”

  1. Wow was designed for at least some form of class fantasy and RP.

    The idea of alts is a good thing, IMO. It allows you to get invested into a new character whose purpose is to perform a different role.

    It’s solid and I hope they don’t got the final fantasy route.

  2. Blizzard is too lazy to do something like that. I have played the game for 18 years and I know what they are capable of doing. The Goblins can be sshamans but Gnomes can't, just BS in my opinion. For any screaming lore, what about that giant sword sticking out of the planet, I'm sure its size and weight has no effect on the planet. We test their game, and they charge us to do so. I think Allied Races should be able to be Horde or Alliance. What Blizz could do is make everyone able to have all the professions like Final Fantasy, I made 100s of millions of gold

  3. No. It sucks, is limiting, and is predatory, it could be fine if race changes were always free but even in FFXIV it costs real money. They literally benefit financially from restricting people to one race at a time while allowing alt jobs/classes. People end up buying fantasia a LOT. Bad bad practice


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