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Blizzard detected fun so they nerfed it! The War Within
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Man, im so damn close to canceling my sub and calling it a day.
Same for me. I liked Zek'vir as a quick challenge that gives good credit when I have nothing else I need from Delves.
I dont care about this delv or raid at all. What i am considering leaving wow about is that i have 4 lvl 80 chars and every time I get into it, they nerf it. Pally, spriest, dk and feral. All get nerfed after I put enormous time and effort into them.
Easy champion gear for 540 alts was not okay.You got a thumbs down for this crybaby vid.
Delves weren't really for raiders and m+ to begin with
I really don't understand the zekvir change. I can do fungal folley in 7 minutes and zekvir in 2. Is saving 5 minutes per delve really such a big issue they need to remove it from vaults.
i can understand Blizz point of view. The vault slots should for delve should not be granted for 3-4min action, but for a complete delve.
for me , i would like if they allow players to get ONE vault slot per week for defeating Zerkvir (3 is really too much)
It's pathetic.
Come on. It was way too easy compared to other things for filling out the vault.
TBH, as a player who dont raid or do M+ and my gear come from delves and great vault I really dont mind it. I like doing open world content, old raid and dungeon farm both for getting transmog to myself and to sell on AH, I just started dipping my toes into some professions in war within (Herbalism and Alchemy).
TBH I dont get why you doing delves, if you dont enjoy them and you can not really get gear upgrade from doing them.
Bad way to balance this change without damaging your reputation with the player base. They could have at least buffed the rewards for beating Zekvir. Now I don’t have any incentive to go back and beat him.
what you call fun is abusing the system
to be fair delves are for people who don't M+ or Raid, so since you do M+ and Raid maybe Delves aren't for you?…you aren't meant to do everything
It should have never been that way to start with
This is a moronic title. You literally say you were doing an thing that isn't fun, so you could avoid doing another thing you say isn't fun, but takes longer. So how in the actual F is it a "fun detected" situation? You are literally saying it's NOT fun. What?
It's a little funny losers are saying Blizz hates players, when the only reason this even became a thing, was because Blizz nerfed Zek to the ground, because some players couldn't do it.
My man, the thing is you have to do DELVES, not do 1 easy boss on repeat, that's not doing the content. That's how it should've been from the beginning. If you don't wanna do delves that's fine, you ain't getting the loot.
I'm surprised they didn't make this change at the same time they nerfed Zekvir.
i wish they atleast put the zekvir ++ on vault since is every harder then any other +8 delve
I got excited to learn zekvir as my progress is behind and I'm at like 700ish mythic rating was hoping to do zekvir and get some gear so I could get into M+ runs looks like that's been killed now no point learning it ig
Wheat the hell are you talking about fun detected? They are not stopping you from killing zekvir 8 times in a row, since you apparently consider that fun. Delves are intended for solo content players. If you are not into that and don’t want to run that, then why do you think you should get the vault slots? Entitled much?
I think I should get all M+ 10 vault slots filled because I ran companion versions of dungeons. That’s what’s fun, right? Grow up.
Anyone who complains about them fixing something broken, needs to find a new game to play. Doing zekvir over and over means less players do delves. Youre not supposed to finish all 8 depves in 30 minutes. Youre supposed to do a couple or all bountifuls each day even without keys. A t8 deove takes me as a 615 fury warrior about 12 minutes with brann set to healing.
Honestly was so upset about the zekvir change i logged out and haven’t logged back in since
This change has made zekvir completely useless outside of valorstones lol
Should have just nerfed the gear to 610 for zekvir
"I will not be doing tier 8 delves to fill those vault slots up because it's time consuming" …. tier 8 delves solo take literally like 15-20mins. how much you queque for M+, let alone finish the dungeon, or even a whole raid???