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lol 2-3 weeks. Do blizz really not know how degen us wow players are? im calling it now, some people will have a set in 1 or 2 days,
It's sad that they didn't make modern version of the 2 original pvp sets.
Dracthyr(non-evocer) vs DH?
thing i noticed also is they are bringing back zandalar tribe reputation that was removed it's a classic rep
I've given up on m+, so hard to find a group. Just showing up to raid and playing other games at this point.
I just want them to make getting the new t2 easier
Ill never understand why people beg to have theor time wasted and then defend it like its their entire life 3 weeks to get the first one? Like 340 tokens total for all t2 remakes?
Can you spell out engagement metrix any more odd?
Im excited. Explicitly excited for this patch but damn bro i aint got time for this shit anymore
2 months subbed to wow really should unsub as the game is so uninteresting I never logged on, probably this is how they keep their sub and player amount on servers up, we used to get very few changes before now it’s about currency, they should change how currency works in wow, as a realm first in wod this new expansion is more disappointing then the ones before
3 weeks ew
Grinding isn’t content it’s lack of content, it’s to expand the small amount of content they give you so you keep logging in, they’re lazy game devs that know wow players for some reason thrive on having their time wasted and getting burned out, this is exactly why they have a hard time retaining the majority of players and why they have an even harder time getting new players, blizzards fascination with time hating gear has always been so fucking weird/creepy to me, getting gear should t be the main goal it should be to complete the hardest content, skill over gear should be the formula and its just not
Not a fan of the dracthyr racial carrying over to other classes. Shadowmeld is an example I think of when.I think of bis racials that are just necessary and/or OP in some.situations, making anyone who doesn’t want those races unable to compete.
At least dracthyr is both factions instead of shadowmeld being alliance only……..
Just let us do w.e if i wanna be a paladin in cloth with full warlock gear druid in leather as a warrior just let us do it so no one bitches and goes ew paladins transmog is gross wont matter we all can wear any set
Retroactive as in quest completed before this patch even back in vanilla will now give me all the transmogs for all my alts ? I don’t completely understand the scope of the word retroactive i need it explained in detail lol
God I'm so happy that now when I do old raids I don't have to use specific classes to collect for each raid. Made zero sense
I pretend pandas, vulpera and dracthyr don’t exist in wow just npcs i kill on sight in warmode. Makes the game feel much better.
I want gilded crests in tier 10 and 11 of Delves.
Since when can non-evokers be Drakthyr?
im still wishing and hoping for an upgraded vanilla PVP set treatment like the Tier 2 upgraded sets…PLEASE!!!!
going back to Karazhan for sure now
I could’ve sworn around two minutes in he said, furry warrior.
2-3 weeks so 😂 means casual players .. yep you guessed it, get fu..ed
thank god that was so annoying with the class transmogs farming old raids
Now if only they could give the HD treatment to all the old mount models.
I just did a Nighthold mythic and when the paladin set dropped on my DK i did not get the transmog unlock notification…. So… this doesn’t work?
Not happy at the fact that it's gonna be 2-3 weeks before you can get 1 of the t2 mogs. Unless Blizz has changed it..
I wish delves got a mythic+ style of difficulty with the affixes for t9+ and give nicer rewards
My main in the 1st WotLK was a hunter and I use to solo farm lower raids for rep and quest items. I got the leaf and did the quest for the rare bow with the leaf affect, but I also did the epics 1-hand sword Thunderfury, and last the two-hand mace Sulfuras Hand of Ragnaros that I couldn't equip.
But now I clicked as if I were trying to equip the two-hand mace and it shows in transmog for other characters that can use it. Thanks, Blizz.
I also have two battered hilts in the bank for more than a decade.
Are these T2 sets having better texture packs? Otherwise, why do it I have all the t2 sets from back in vanilla some have enchants that are no longer available.
Wonder when will they redesign drachtyr to look like a big muscled dragon not that small gay shit
Give Dracthyr transmog already Blizzard!
Nice to see SoD items available in retail. Hope that continues.
What I’m reading is 6 Alts can buy it all within 1 month and some change.
All would get a 2nd at 40 and than you just need one more so realistically 7 Alts 1 stops after 60 tokens and the other 6 keep going and than done.
This only actually affects vanila and legion transmogs
Do we need to complete the quests again or do we get all those quests rewards upon patch release?
Would have been nice to add the tier 3 armour sets.
I lost my old account so im starting completely new for the anniversary and tww, the transmog change is gonna come in, verrrryyy handy
finally they fixed that stupid class restriction from transmog
Did this idiot seriously just say furry warrior lmfao
Do you know if you get the old rank 14 pvp items for example for paladin, if I earned the achievement on my Mage? (I learned all weaponstypes as of now)