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We break down the latest updates for Mythic+ 11.1 Undermined Patch with some amazing changes to depletes, rewards, and achievements for dungeons!
War Within Season 2 Dungeon Rotation includes some War Within Dungeons in Darkflame Cleft, Cinderbrew Meadery, Priory of the Sacred Flame, Mechagon Workshop, The MOTHERLODE, Operation Floodgate, Theater of Pain and The Rookery.
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In 5 years we will hopefully look back at these changes as part of a 10+ year long process to get rid of keys entirely and just let us play…
The not deplete cap at +12 will divide the community more.
After probably x weeks it will be impossible to get into those if you havent done them urself.
More than now.
U will be forced to play ur own key but u have to grind insane when Keys under 12 can deplete
Depletion process doesn't sound like an update at all it sounds just as terrible as it is now
idk it's all meh
Now get rid of valorstones. It’s a currency that’s not needed.
The changes are not bad and hopefully it is wort it to push keys again. But somehow it feels the changes got made again just for the elite gamers. For about 5 till 10 % of the whole player base…. what i think is a bit sad. I would prefere a delve system for keys. You just can join the next key level, when you timed your key.
Man, NW was so brutal this season cuz you’d get to the third boss and realize that the guy who gets the first arrow doesn’t know you need to hook the boss down. In 8s. Oh and the tank doesn’t actually have a route. I was so done man.
Blizzard: let’s nurf delves so people MUST run M+ again, problem solved
This seems great. I think every player going into someone's key should just assume that it can brick and play accordingly. It falls on each player who walks into mythics to know the fights, know your CDs, use your defensives, and do your best. I couldn't shake the feeling that players in S1 were a little more entitled and/or lazy. It seemed like people didn't want to do their part in the mythic, then flame the tanks and heals.
Hopefully the community will start viewing mythics as a "teamwork" situation, and if EVERYONE does their part (meaning DPS stop taking avoidable damage and use your defensives) then EVERYONE succeeds. Strive to not be the anchor in your group; instead, be the sail that helps propel everyone forward 🧀
Did they put the graveyards behind every boss now? If not, that would be cool as well. With that change everyone would always know where he will spawn after clicking the release button.
Another thing is, that I wish there would be a way to grind up the item tracks of your items. We can get only hero items anyway from m+ and with only 2 items dropping for 5 people it's a very slow way to farm gear. Would be so cool if there where a currency to upgrade from 1 track to the next higher track. I'm fine when it's hilarious expensive so we don't finish the gearing too fast but at least have the option to grind it out would be cool.
keys getting depleted is idiotic. a key should never deplete. what is the reason for a key to deplete besides being annoying and time consuming doing something you've already done?
We pay for the game, we subscribe for the game, we shouldn't be working tedious returning task that has already been done to have fun. as it is not fun!
Missed the mark here Jak. This season is doomed without 12s+ rewarding myth track, or a bullion. I ran 112 Grim Batols between 8-10 and Gale of Shadows NEVER dropped for me… ever. It was eventually traded. Average timer of 30:25, that's 56.78 hours or 2.37 days of game time this season – just inside Grim Batol. This doesn't include bricked pugs, which GB had a lovely <60% complete rate 15 weeks ago. It's absurd, and it's something you should really talk about. I get it if it's myth track, but hero? Pfft. No bullion = bricked season; mark my words
delved dumbed down the game and we're supposed to be happy about it.
I think people in higher skil brackets tend to underestimate how big the difference in player skill and gear is between the key levels. I would not call myself a bad player, i have my few non boosted AoTC achievements and in the last few seasons consistently played M+ to a level that im comfortable playing with. Which in this season was up to +7 or +8. All the issues people are talking about in "high mythic plus" i see in those brackets as well… depletion sucks at +8 as it does in +12 i assume, if both keys are "progress" for the specific players. And i assume the same goes for people strarting out in m+ and learning to play in +4s.
I dont see why the new changes should only apply to the highest of keys. Meta trickles down anyway and so does the toxicity, not helped by the fact that you get players who are gearing their 30th alt and start flaming cause you "pull to slow" and waste their time, just because theyre used to timing 15s and feel like the progress you make is not worth their time. So why should only the top players get a "less toxic" and "less punishing" experience?
I dont have much time per week to play WoW and the way m+ feels right now it is not really rewarding the time you put into it. That needs to change… and that needs to change on all levels. What i really would wish for was the timer being an optional "affix" wich you could activate seperately and wich scales the rewards you get up by two key levels. No depletion in non timed dungeons and the key for copmpleting those just moves up one level. That way you can progress though all levels, really take your time to learn the fights and get better, and if someome just wants to progress though the dungeons quickly or gear up more efficiently they can use the timed versions.
Im also fine with maxing out at Hero track gear as myth gear is out of my reach most of the time anyway XD and i believe i am not allone with that attitude.
I wish there was no timer
All these changes are exactly what I was saying back at the start of s1. It’s amazing how they’ve implanted stuff I’ve suggested going back as far as to TBC
я вот только непонял
в табличке близов – урон и дамаг 10 уровня это +84% от базового – я правильно понимаю ?
но ведь сейчас урон 10 уровня это +265% от базового !!!
ведь сейчас +10% добавляеться к приведущему уровню – а они пишут как добавление +7% просто – без накопления
это что ? жесточайщий НЕРФ мификов
As a new (returning) player the
entire process to get into M+ is just weird. The fact that there is no dungeon finder queue is a big hurdle for me. I don’t get why heroics and m0 exist in the same universe. Make heroics m0 and then let me queue for progressively harder dungeons.
I remember having a quarrel with another youtuber when I said, from experience, that the new revamped M+ could break progression, and the guy became mad at me. Well, I'm glad the season, and the devs, proved me right, and sad to have been right, because S1 has been a total boring … mess (not only because of that ofc, but that's in the core of all the other things).
Idk man, I remember you praising and loving the tank changes that would also save the game back at the end of DF. Now nobody wants to play tank ‘or’ healer.
I like most of the changes, but I think they should start flooring the keys at least with M+ 11 instead of M+ 12, cause this season the wall was between 10s-11s and 12s.
As a mid M+ only player with a Survival Hunter doing decent damage for a +12, I was barely getting in 11s, and after I got all on 11s, most with 2 chest, I wasn't able to get into 12s with pugs almost at all. Even trying to group on my key I wasn't able to gather the people. Maybe I was too late in the season, maybe Hunters were considered non-meta, maybe, maybe, but it got so frustrating, at the point that I stopped trying and I was only doing my 2 or 3 slot vaults on +10s and that was all my gaming.
Sounds good. I normally play with my mates and we have all roles. But with these changes it will hopefully be easier to do pugs with my twink.
What I want to know is, are these achievements that prevent depletion accountwide or rather warbandwide?
Still not enough. Tanks and healers are still suffering from PTSD. They arent coming back to M+ so M+ is still dead.
Keys should not deplete at any level. This should’ve been changed years ago yet Blizzard moves at snails pace and waits until everybody stops playing.
They’ll probably save that for the next expansion and then advertise it as a main feature
I wish you didn’t have to be so careful in your valor stone usage. I feel like it trivializes the lower tier crests. You are discouraged from using your valid stones to upgrade veteran/champion gear in anticipation of hero Track ultimately storing up your valor stones to contribute to upgrading better items. If the valor stones could be used more freely, you could Justify Going 8/8 In veteran/champion gear and improving the likelihood of success and lower keys and easing the introduction for newer players.
This changes still remains trash. I will explain my statement: why I should even do a +12 from a +10/+9 (don’t remember when you get the max reward from the vault) we get no freaking rewards to actually being the 0,1% strongest players in the game, which I have been so that’s why I’m talking. Just give people something for fucking doing the hardest content of the game (cus mythic raid is a freaking joke). Diablo, Poe haven’t thought you anything ? Keep the gearing progression up Jesus crist don’t let me stop. Do you want players to quit your game or you want them to play your game. Wake up devs Jesus…
I did some napkin maths earlier, and the "confusing" thing is that they've made everything a bit easier, but not moved around the achievements. Because the change to 7% increase per key from 10% per key, and the removal of the previous 12+ affix jump, means that the 12-13's range needed for the new 3000 rating achievement, will actually be about the same difficulty as needing, roughly, all 10's for the current 2500 achievement, as there isn't the affix jump, it just "adds back" the Peril that we've already got in 10's, and because 10's are about 27% lower enemy health and damage from what they currently are, the added 20-30% going up to 12-13's means that it should be about the same difficulty(ish)?
I'm still concerned about the PUG world and the influx of people in the midrange keys who've never done keys, don't know mechanics and end up bricking keys – I don't think this really solves that aspect at all.
Hooray for the 1000 people this matters for… What about the other 500k players? Our time isn't as important.
Just fyi, if base mythic is ~20% more HP/damage 7% per level is the same as 10% per level (up to M10)
I like the deplete change because you do the work you get a reward but I wish it was lower than 12. Because if you were able to do all 8s and you timed all 8s why do you still suffer the depletion. Like why not attach it to ksm or ksh instead of legend?
I wish the key depletion would start at level 10. I want to progress and practice for 11-12, but i hate when my key drops down below a 10 if something goes wrong.
Happy to see these changes in the right direction, I'll be play season 2 for sure now
The +10 keys are the problem, not the sweaty keys you influencers play. But of course you'd be appeased by Blizzard giving you the 0.1% this qol change we normal people would need.
one guy really paid 5 bucks to waste 20 thousand people's time
How to fix M+?
Remove crests and upgrade system > solved.
I wonder if the no depleting will lead to a shift to a higher percentage of leavers being keyholders. Like say you have a bad wipe in the first half of the dungeon and the keyholder just hearths.
All we want is not having to play Shaman or Paladin please. #DeadWarlock
I have a super strong suggestion to fix m+ dramatically.
So the way groups are formating for the moment is only by players formating their team thus they pick mostly meta specs and also taking some time to formate.
Instead we could have a solo queue, just like league, together with the current system.
Just like normal dungeons.
Players could be choosing keys close to their mmr and just wait for a random group to format.
Way faster, will display the lack of tanks, healers etc, allow players to play ehatever they actually want.
If you agree please just promote the idea so they will listen.
Thank you
Gear or not gear why would you do keys without experience? That is my whole idea, in the great scheme of things, do some run practice at a lower key or 0 and then move up. It's progression.