My first ever character was a troll shaman in classic. Got to the quest where you had to go into the hills in the Valley of Trials to find the big totem stone, accidentally wall jumped over into the river. Died and respawned at ratchet. Saw a boat and figured that must take me to this shaman stone. Ended up chatting for hours in Booty Bay and never finding my way back home. I played that character for like a week just exploring Booty Bay and talking before I actually started playing.
holy shiit XDD it is true one of my best friend start and is totatly neew, that question is exatly what they tell me, i just say ok come on, do click on the mechachopar and lets go quest i show u the game
When you make a series to make fun of boosters but end up getting so attached to the character you've been RPing that you have to give him a nice wholesome episode of W's just once.
Happy new year! I hope you all had a great Christmas!
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Previous episode:
This episode was really wholesome 😊
now i'm gonna lvl a mage
WTF did i just watch.
I got a ad for wotlk boosting service
how can i find someone to sell me gold?
can u point me in the direction of buying some gold please
laden dew gland never comes 1st try ive had nightmares
when you both pirate dance on the boat its official
I don't want to read all this… Back when it used to auto type the quest out
hahahahaha I loved that one
I almost cry in Thais video! He really Help the Mage and makes his experience game better
PVC pipe PVC pipe
My first ever character was a troll shaman in classic. Got to the quest where you had to go into the hills in the Valley of Trials to find the big totem stone, accidentally wall jumped over into the river. Died and respawned at ratchet. Saw a boat and figured that must take me to this shaman stone. Ended up chatting for hours in Booty Bay and never finding my way back home. I played that character for like a week just exploring Booty Bay and talking before I actually started playing.
Memories 🙂
Oh my god, man
You really did EVERYTHING in your power to make me hate humanity xD
New players being able to bosst is such a mistake.. The whole universe is collapsing because of it ! T_T
lmfao that guy was extremly nice to u to help u out like that!!! Props to him
More rigged videos next time , i lost coupel of hours of my life to see rigged video again and that guy is felling so happy
so wholesome q_q
fkn hell u are hilarious and i think i want to marry you lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
holy shiit XDD it is true one of my best friend start and is totatly neew, that question is exatly what they tell me, i just say ok come on, do click on the mechachopar and lets go quest i show u the game
When you make a series to make fun of boosters but end up getting so attached to the character you've been RPing that you have to give him a nice wholesome episode of W's just once.
lol, keyboard turning.
Nice video !
Thumbs up if you've ever gone out of your way to help a clueless new player
turning with keys should be a crime