My take away is: do you need to know about the Great Wheel, or Petitioners, or the Weave and the Shadow Weave, or extraplanar stuff, etc. to play D&D? No, but they're still cool backdrop nonetheless.
I like the use of Sacred Geometry ingame now. It connects back to ancient religions in real life, the Tree of Life and the Flower of Life. The Cosmology chart is of course a reference to the Kabbalah.
I do love this book because they made it like it was written by an in universe theoretical physicist lol. And it fits, there are huge nerds inside the Warcraft universe so why wouldnt they write papers and books detailing their observations in an overly technical language? Love it
I'm not even sure they're crapping on Shadowlands lore. This sounds indistinguishable from it. Whatever. Wake me up when they have a compelling narrative that makes me care about anything that is happening, rather than trying to rationalize why I should.
Fate has the best Hard Magic system I've ever interacted with. It has SO many rules that the exceptions become the rule – it is so utterly dumb that it wraps around to being brilliant – how Nasu and other Fate writers have made this really intricate hard magic system that's actually just a soft magic system.
The cosmic charts were such a stupid idea. Never show them your hand. Personally I thought it was genious of them to retcon the charts to be the cosmos “as understood from the titan perspective” or however it was phrased. Leave it nebulous, leave it open to interpretations. That’s where the most interesting and compelling narratives have a chance to emerge.
Legend of Zelda has the same issue with the “official” timeline(s) BS. Now they can’t make a game without people trying to fit it into the existing narrative. They put themselves into a confined box of explanations & expectations.
it's funny because everybody argues about this piece or that piece of lore. It's all Art and it's all subjective, they are gonna make lore, they are gonna find out later that some piece of lore might be bad, be better or whatever. They will change the art later because when they made it they didn't have the knowledge they had at the time they made it, or would have later on. I swear this world is insanity. Just enjoy the ride guys. Btw i enjoyed this video!!! just got me thinking lol
I mean, it can also just be multiple perspectives of the same system and no one truly understands it. That said this makes perfect sense to me as someone who was a little into D&D cosmology. Quasi-elementals were basically your intersections of poles (positive/negative) + elements, so you'd have like vacuum elementals and ash elementals and such. This doesn't seem that different. I think it's cool world building.
This is probably for the best, considering how much they asspull their new lore, a soft magic system allows them to do so without retconning the hard magic systems they tried to do before hand.
As for shadowlands lore, yeah, its hard to care about the afterlife and hell when your characters litterally can't die.
There is never a taking the piss out of Shadowlands due to what it is. Until they specifically come out and blatantly say, without a bunch of twisting of words and gobblegeegook, that Shadowlands wasn't real then they have to deal with it being real. This isn't fixing anything and just making for MORE confusing bullshit with Shadowlands being the only REAL thing in it all. Also, Pelagus is still a terrible arbitor allowing spirits to escape in the literal next expansion.
This is a great improvement of the magic system. The hard chart system was always clunky and never actually aligned with what we saw in the actual story.
The voice line that annoys me most in the game right now is from that stupid watcher in halls of infusion. "Order will overwhelm you" he yells. Like anyone fuckin talks like that. What does that even mean? It's just nonsense.
The cosmos and its' string pullers being funky and biased towards certain perspectives has been a point since Vanilla, and moreso since MoP. Nothing new.
The interferon pattern thing is the most actually informative part of this. Interferon patterns are what you get when two or more different waves collide in a perfect way to cancel each other out or amplify each other’s waves, causing a light/dark or loud/quiet pattern depending on the type of wave. If you’ve heard of the double slit experiment, that’s for light, and if you’ve heard of the rooms where you can whisper on side and it’s heard perfectly on the other side in a specific spot, that’s for sound.
So this is basically saying the world and reality exists as a mixture of all these energies, colliding and combining infinitely, and these monopole points exist as an exception, where all the other energy gets cancelled out and that one energy or element gets amplified. Which is kinda how the real world works too, so interesting enough.
This may be a hot take, but IMO the whole Shadowlands expansion and the consequences of it should be removed from the game entirely and it would be like it never happened. Bolvar still sitting on his ass in Icecrown keeping the undead in check, Sylvanas going into hiding after BfA story. Jailer doesn't exist nor do these ''First Ones'' and Zeriths and all that cosmic crap we had been introduced to in Shadowlands. Shadowlands would still exist in lore, but it would be unknowable and realms of death would remain a mystery. Just wipe it all. After BfA we go straight into Dragonflight. I feel like that would be a much better outcome, and in the future then they could possibly be able to properly do another Lich King related expansion. Like maybe in The Last Titan Bolvar would finally awaken and would use the scourge to fight the titans or whatever the main baddy is going to be in that expansion since we are going back to Northrend anyway. A missed opportunity IMO which could still happen if Shadowlands story never took place. Or maybe now that Metzen is back they can redo Shadowlands expansion but in a proper way like do a proper Wrath 2.0 scourge themed expansion that we should have gotten with Shadowlands in the first place. There is much they could do if only Shadowlands didn't fck up the lore so much and destroyed most of our beloved characters. They have for sure written themselves into a corner with that one
You can take the piss out of shadowlands but you'll never be able to take shadowlands out of the piss
I took this as a way of explaining why the cosmic charts are all wonky by saying it's like a 4D concept that's as a 2D illustration.
My take away is: do you need to know about the Great Wheel, or Petitioners, or the Weave and the Shadow Weave, or extraplanar stuff, etc. to play D&D? No, but they're still cool backdrop nonetheless.
I like the use of Sacred Geometry ingame now.
It connects back to ancient religions in real life, the Tree of Life and the Flower of Life.
The Cosmology chart is of course a reference to the Kabbalah.
Shadowlands was a fever dream and our minds just tried to piece things together and came up with garbage and then we got spat out at the end.
Reality exists where the planes meet like earthquakes and fault lines?
What if… time…. was a cube
My human rogue isnt paid to think hes paid to carry out si:7’s orders so why should i care about a cosmology chart.
I have come to believe it is more like a cube with reality is the overlap of all domains. This book makes more sense.
I have no time for this video. If you want tell me what this is about.
I see, Blizzard, thank you. I'm so sorry for caring about the magic systems YOU tried to explain to me!
There should be a new faction war where we have 3 factions. Boom
zereth mortis and the first ones are some of the only parts of shadowlands that i actually loved. i don't want them to retcon it
I do love this book because they made it like it was written by an in universe theoretical physicist lol. And it fits, there are huge nerds inside the Warcraft universe so why wouldnt they write papers and books detailing their observations in an overly technical language? Love it
Sounds very Wibbly-Wobbly
I'm not even sure they're crapping on Shadowlands lore. This sounds indistinguishable from it.
Whatever. Wake me up when they have a compelling narrative that makes me care about anything that is happening, rather than trying to rationalize why I should.
"Are we killing Jesus or not?"
why are six and seven one? because it was six seven eight
Fate has the best Hard Magic system I've ever interacted with. It has SO many rules that the exceptions become the rule – it is so utterly dumb that it wraps around to being brilliant – how Nasu and other Fate writers have made this really intricate hard magic system that's actually just a soft magic system.
So, that Paladin's soul we saved in Northrend during Wrath, if I'm reading the chart correctly, he's now a Walmart greeter.
Fate Stay Night's "Here's ten million rules, I will now break them to be awesome" IS the ideal magic system. Accurate take.
So THAT'S why classes get dual-element damage now? :O
The cosmic charts were such a stupid idea. Never show them your hand. Personally I thought it was genious of them to retcon the charts to be the cosmos “as understood from the titan perspective” or however it was phrased. Leave it nebulous, leave it open to interpretations. That’s where the most interesting and compelling narratives have a chance to emerge.
Legend of Zelda has the same issue with the “official” timeline(s) BS. Now they can’t make a game without people trying to fit it into the existing narrative. They put themselves into a confined box of explanations & expectations.
it's funny because everybody argues about this piece or that piece of lore.
It's all Art and it's all subjective, they are gonna make lore, they are gonna find out later that some piece of lore might be bad, be better or whatever. They will change the art later because when they made it they didn't have the knowledge they had at the time they made it, or would have later on. I swear this world is insanity. Just enjoy the ride guys.
Btw i enjoyed this video!!! just got me thinking lol
lol Astrologist …
I mean, it can also just be multiple perspectives of the same system and no one truly understands it. That said this makes perfect sense to me as someone who was a little into D&D cosmology. Quasi-elementals were basically your intersections of poles (positive/negative) + elements, so you'd have like vacuum elementals and ash elementals and such. This doesn't seem that different. I think it's cool world building.
Magic schizo post love it
Shadowlands and most of BFA need a recon
This is probably for the best, considering how much they asspull their new lore, a soft magic system allows them to do so without retconning the hard magic systems they tried to do before hand.
As for shadowlands lore, yeah, its hard to care about the afterlife and hell when your characters litterally can't die.
This unironically gets me even more excited for Dawntrail.
A little too much focus on meta humour these days.
Matt has direction. You’re not making much sense Micheal
There is never a taking the piss out of Shadowlands due to what it is. Until they specifically come out and blatantly say, without a bunch of twisting of words and gobblegeegook, that Shadowlands wasn't real then they have to deal with it being real. This isn't fixing anything and just making for MORE confusing bullshit with Shadowlands being the only REAL thing in it all. Also, Pelagus is still a terrible arbitor allowing spirits to escape in the literal next expansion.
Is there a way to look at the documents you guys use in these? It would be cool to be able to read it.
Oh great. Another retcon. Just what this already insanely convoluted bs needs.
Makes fun out of sacred flame as if we didn't have a holy fire spell since vanilla.
This is a great improvement of the magic system. The hard chart system was always clunky and never actually aligned with what we saw in the actual story.
Even the 2D chart had a bunch of interconnections between the different parts, where's the surprise here?
The voice line that annoys me most in the game right now is from that stupid watcher in halls of infusion. "Order will overwhelm you" he yells. Like anyone fuckin talks like that. What does that even mean? It's just nonsense.
This seems so GPT4 .
The cosmos and its' string pullers being funky and biased towards certain perspectives has been a point since Vanilla, and moreso since MoP. Nothing new.
Cosmic Charts were a seedbed of the Worldbuilding's downfall.
The interferon pattern thing is the most actually informative part of this. Interferon patterns are what you get when two or more different waves collide in a perfect way to cancel each other out or amplify each other’s waves, causing a light/dark or loud/quiet pattern depending on the type of wave. If you’ve heard of the double slit experiment, that’s for light, and if you’ve heard of the rooms where you can whisper on side and it’s heard perfectly on the other side in a specific spot, that’s for sound.
So this is basically saying the world and reality exists as a mixture of all these energies, colliding and combining infinitely, and these monopole points exist as an exception, where all the other energy gets cancelled out and that one energy or element gets amplified. Which is kinda how the real world works too, so interesting enough.
I would watch so much more of their content if every other sound out of Matt's mouth wasn't a lip smack or some other gross mouth noise
This may be a hot take, but IMO the whole Shadowlands expansion and the consequences of it should be removed from the game entirely and it would be like it never happened. Bolvar still sitting on his ass in Icecrown keeping the undead in check, Sylvanas going into hiding after BfA story. Jailer doesn't exist nor do these ''First Ones'' and Zeriths and all that cosmic crap we had been introduced to in Shadowlands. Shadowlands would still exist in lore, but it would be unknowable and realms of death would remain a mystery. Just wipe it all. After BfA we go straight into Dragonflight. I feel like that would be a much better outcome, and in the future then they could possibly be able to properly do another Lich King related expansion. Like maybe in The Last Titan Bolvar would finally awaken and would use the scourge to fight the titans or whatever the main baddy is going to be in that expansion since we are going back to Northrend anyway. A missed opportunity IMO which could still happen if Shadowlands story never took place. Or maybe now that Metzen is back they can redo Shadowlands expansion but in a proper way like do a proper Wrath 2.0 scourge themed expansion that we should have gotten with Shadowlands in the first place. There is much they could do if only Shadowlands didn't fck up the lore so much and destroyed most of our beloved characters. They have for sure written themselves into a corner with that one
As someone who likes the cosmology chart. This is really good stuff for me. I felt reality was to down played but this fixes it.
Leave it to the Irish guy: the cosmos is a potato! Eat it! 😆🖤
I like how the author of this book (I mean the in world character, not the RL person that wrote it) comes off as a pompous know it all.