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Patch 11.0.5 should not have been released. The torrent of expensive in game store items only makes that worse. World of Warcraft has a $15 a month subscription fee with a $59.99-$89.99 expansions every 18 months. Players should not expect a paid beta.
00:00 Game Breaking Bugs
04:34 The Event Progression
07:13 The Codex of Chromie Is Slop
08:42 The $90 Mount
12:48 You Will Lose Designers
13:55 The 8 Week Plan Might Be Burning WoW
19:22 What’s Next?
Let's be real here. Money is not getting back into the game. Only about 10 percent maybe.
The anniverssary event is literally the worst ever event in the game. Very stupidly long, boring and massive timesink. Not everyone who have a job has time tongrind out the boring event every single day just to get tokens and have 0 time for actusl fun things in the game
Why no one is talking about the guild bank wipe`s ???
They make a class overpowered and then punish players for playing the game, is pretty sad.
worst thing of all is i play this game for endgame mythic progression at a high lvl, and we have to literally cancell raid evenings because bosses are so bugged/laggy to the point that the desync is just making the boss impossible to kill straight up. just for blizzard to say na has that problem and eu doesnt
To present a dissenting opinion, I’ve been loving this patch. I’m not competitive, don’t go above normal raids and not in a guild. I’ve been heading to the grounds and just having fun with so many people around, I run BRD LFR on every character, and pug normal on a couple, and I run Codex on each character because I think it’s cute! I do agree the bag of monsters to kill areas are boring, but the other areas make me feel like I’m playing a cute shockwave game which I like.
90$?! Holy god I had no idea, that’s insane INSANE
I did the new (I think, starts with a K) battle ground for the anniversary and it was a laggy nightmare, finally got booted from it almost an hour and 40 minutes later and my character got stuck in the festival and I had to do the un stick option. Such a headache, I was just trying to get Honor Points for the festival quest.
I like the game, sure, some bugs here and there, for me, it's funny, just don't take it too serious. It's a game.
Personally, I don't feel disrespected. However, I understand that this is your Job and you have to make it a bit dramatic.
Seroius talk here, my friends in wow love the mount. They are middle aged ppl, with jobs and they paid to have it. One of them told me its cheaper to buy it now than back in the day when he had to change real money to wow tokens for gold to buy it in game.
Am I getting deja Vu or was Chromies codex the 15th anniversary?
The Slop Within
Why won't you address the Guild Bank disaster? It's honestly the biggest indication New Blizz just*doesn't*care about the players. They could have fixed this, it just would have taken more time or manpower than they wanted to put in. They did their damned best to NOT interact with the player base about it, except in area's they had to by law (such as on the European forums). They lied about how bad it was, so that the rest of the player base thought we were over reacting. PLEASE TALK ABOUT THIS!!!!
MOST of my guild who took a break, CAME BACK for a week and have LEFT again till the game gets stable. We are talking 70 people who said, NAH I am not wasting my time on this mess…..
Solo Delves are a JOKE for certain classes past tier 10 JUST LIKE PAST MYTHIC KEYS….
ALL BLIZZ cares about is GIVING PEOPLE STUFF for their alts…most of us DONT CARE about our alts till we have maxxed and played everything on our mains.
Mounts should not be more than the cost of a sub… it's ridiculous in general.
Everyone needs to go touch grass and quit subbing for a few months…. THEY WILL LISTEN THEN. It's sad that people cant get away from the game for a short period of time.
If this is them moving with speed and purpose like they said at Blizzcon, then I don't want it
The only way to stop this trend is not to pay or, for f2p, not play.
Pit lord TWO MONTHS later still has no portal. Just a floating torso. I can’t play diabolist seeing that bug constantly.
If Mats (Iberlin) could walk away from this game, and get out of his chair – he would have. You are not Mats – you can walk away – Azeroth WAS beautiful – but Blizzard is literally evil – you MUST walk away.
Bruto cost me 1.4 mil g way cheaper than my old 5mil bruto