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Music by Berserkyd
Music by Epidemic Sound
#Bajheera #Gaming #WorldofWarcraft
Editor: Quaylin (
All or nothing with these fools
Tanking for the first time since Legion on MoP remix, so much fun. Running Blood DK and I have Heroic Leap from a cogwheel gem in my boots and Thundering Orb in my helmet meta gem. Really transforms the class, having a blast.
As he does a boring dungeon, you'll never find me doing pve, bwahahaha
I felt the same way, I wanted and loved that they were making vaults and everything more accessible. But now remix is here and I'm trying to get 60 levels, bronze and everything before time is up so I'm playing less s4 due to having most of the rewards from previous seasons
MoP remix needs to be permanent
Yea I’m not to pleased with the schedule. Mop remix, new season on retail, and classic cata all at the same time is a lot.
All shit games..
I've been playing fervor of battle arms warrior in MOP remix with a full crit tinker set up, oblivion sphere, and champions spear. So i bladestorm for hurricane, enter the launch sequence, and ascend
Thats true should have more time
Mop remix is like SOD meets retail meets diablo 4