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warcraft has been broken. Fix World PVP, we want large scale battles. We dont want battleground downsized to deal with your bloated old graphics engine
Terran!! Absolutely love Terran <3
Hopefully the dwarf fortress references will be all over the place
Blizzard vs Blizzcon
Humanoid Neburians : probably an allied race in the future
Is the account wide reputation for the entire game or just the new expansion?
The Last Titan is all im exited for. Ulduar and Aggramar round2
is the "crystal" in hallowfall the tip of the sword?
That forest zone (when she’s talking about cinderbew mead) looks so cool!
Dragonflies fizzled out quick
meh, looks like same old same old
Very good, thanks for the hard work!
30:55 I'm disappointed
The most unimpressive expansion ever.
33:40 what did that guy in the audience yell?
Is this ALL the wow stuff from Blizzcon after the main panel?
Beards for all body types. Keep pushing the nonsense woke ideologies. Sad times we are living
God bless you Blizzard , thanks all team , love you
this insert new feature here will most likely bring me back to wow
So… what happened to Aggra and Thrall's kid?
Hallowfall looks amazing
If you were really serious about WoW and its longevity. You should perhaps consider replacing the funky old game engine after twenty years.
The number of comments is about the number of active players lol
Been playing since 2007 see nothing that excites me. Open to being wrong.
Lol, the lady presenter dumps so many spoilers and clues alluding to new allied races and coming lore and flew over everyone 🤣😂
Is it just me or did they make Anduin look like the Derplander from ffxiv all scruffy and unshaven?
oh, cringe, new cringe
These underground zones are super creative.
Please? any chance for smaller group like 10 man top level raiding to come back (mythic, for smaller group) 🤞🏻🤩 after getting older we struggle to keep our core friend group still playing and available
we are happy to announce our newest trilogy of doshpacks. our first one shall be WoW league of heroes. our second shall be WoW downwatch and final but not least WoW Awakeness. please consider buying our 90 euro pay to win so you can enjoy everything like everyone else but 3 days early 🤓🤓
next movie dont use live action….W for the cinematic department
Too bad they are not planing for blade master. Well I'll just go play w3
Anduin statue incoming…
How many new islands are we going to discover? lol No big deal, really.
Nerubians would never join Xalatath. They're survivors of several old god assaults, and void hating separatists. This is lore breaking, and sort of unsettling. Another retcon of the Nerubian history, for no reason.
32:14 You had me explore. Alright, I'm back.