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Most of the Borean Tundra is empty ice. Tuskarr are the dominant presence in the Borean Tundra. However, they keep near their villages, and one can go for days without seeing another living creature. Tuskarr mainly care about fishing, whaling and protecting their villages. Tuskarr will fend off hungry Drakkari, and even fight wayward nerubians, and are formidable foes; but they never attack anyone without a good reason. Drakkari wander the tundra, but not in any significant numbers, most are content to roam alone or in small packs. They have no city in the tundra, but live in several camps, none big enough to have names. They harass the tuskarr from time to time, but every time the tuskarr gather their forces and send the Drakkari running. Nerubians wander about as well, but only in small packs. Naga live near the south end, in the Riplash Ruins. Blue dragons from Coldarra also fly over the tundra from time to time. Scourge scouts straggle over from the lake area.
The Borean Tundra is not an important part of Northrend. It’s too isolated and too barren to be desirable and has too much shoreline to be defensible. Tuskarr like it because of that expansive shore, and the Riplash Ruins gives the naga a perfect view of anyone approaching across the ocean from the south. Drakkari hunt here because they can and because the tundra provides little cover for wildlife. Most others stay well away, preferring the forested areas to the east.
Borean Tundra contains bases of both factions, and does not have an emphasis for a specific faction. There is a port between Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord that uses a giant turtle with a deck on its back as a quick means to travel between the 2 starting zones. There is a murloc town that may be used after some quests for D.E.H.T.A.. The murlocs can actually talk and repair your equipment. They also have quests against an infected camp across the cove.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Borean Tundra, Geyser Field, Tuskarr, Northrend Orc and Riplash: Derek Duke
Coldarra and Nexus : Russell Brower
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Borean Tundra locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Valiance Keep
0:04:12 Valiance Keep Tavern
0:05:59 Sands of Nasam
0:07:08 Farshire
0:08:18 Bloodspore Plains
0:08:54 Torp’s Farm & Warsong Slaughterhouse
0:10:21 Warsong Hold
0:11:07 Mightstone Quarry
0:11:44 Garrosh and Varok Saurfang
0:12:59 Zeppelin
0:15:26 Garrosh’s Landing
0:16:57 Riplash Strand
0:17:46 Riplash Ruins
0:20:33 Pal’ea
0:21:14 Coast of Echoes
0:22:49 Amber Ledge
0:24:04 Beryl Point
0:25:23 Coldarra
0:29:15 The Nexus
0:30:04 Transitus Shield
0:32:06 Ruins of Eldra’nath
0:32:53 Glimmer Bay
0:33:37 Winterfin Retreat and Winterfin Village
0:34:50 Njord’s Breath Bay
0:36:54 Kaskala
0:38:51 Unu’pe
0:44:11 Taunka’le Village
0:47:38 Steam Springs
0:48:33 The Geyser Fields
0:49:35 Scalding Pools
0:50:22 D.E.H.T.A. Encampment
0:53:03 Steeljaw’s Caravan
0:53:50 Bor’gorok Outpost
0:54:51 Fizzcrank Airstrip
0:57:02 Death’s Stand
0:57:53 Temple City of En’kilah
0:59:00 Outro (Don’t click!!)
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW
Since the Winter Veil is here, I've decided to prioritize colder zones – despite spending a lot of hours filming it for the stream, I did not do a regular video. Luckly, ScootieXP reminded me I still have to do it. So, ScootieXP, this is for you 🙂
Some will find it boring (Boring Tundra), but for me it holds a lot of memories. A lot of characters have traveled this zone. And if you read the lore, you'll understand here, how poorly the Alliance and the Horde have prepared for the Northrend campaign.
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Wrath of the Lich King music & ambience playlist:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
Thanks Meisio. I was really missing these tunes. 🙂
18th!!!… Nothing special.. we were smoking meat today, so i was not on pc :/
Awesome, love this!
This was also one of the Zones I will remember the most of my adventures in World of Warcraft!
when you go Northened and thats your first zone to quest , around the arriving spot , there are some nsty quests to get you started 😀
Aah, this reminds me of my old hometown during winter, barely any snow, looks like the apocalypse, freezing hell
Good times
Thanks for your vids.
Can t wait for Wrath, still, shame that u spend maximum one day in any leveling zone and than for the rest of the expansion you stay mostly afk in the main city waiting for dungeons, raids, bgs, arena… Borean Tudra was an amazing zone, not to mention the Tuskar villages where I could go spend the entire winter vacation 🙂
Nothing boring about Borean!
But really, boycott these games.
This is so cool that you filmed in 60 or 50 fps and made the footage smooth.
In the pre-patch event for Shadowlands it felt great to take a ship back to Northrend. I played hours everyday. I got all the transmog gear and all of the rare weapon drops as well as lots of the huge bag drops from all the event bosses. Worth the grinding 👍
I kept tons of screenshots of the masses of us killing all the bosses. I wish we could do that again.
4:13 that guy is surely thirsty
I don’t think the devs of WoTLK actually knew what impact their game had on us from a nostalgic and entertaining point of view. Little did they know they created a masterpiece – where we spent so many hours on this expansion it felt like it was part of our actual lives when thinking back. It seems like yesterday where I first arrived in BT with my friends, levelling our butts of to meet the Lich King. We will never again have those same experiences, only distant memories left of those unique feelings. For me, every zone in WoTLK brings a unique memory and story attached to that zone. Thanks for taking us back and reminding us of what we had my friend. Until we meet again in Classic WoTLk!!❤️
How do you find out these track titles to put in the video captions? From my understanding a lot of the tracks in their expansions aren't released officially
nothing boring about Borean
I’ve always felt uncomfortable in this zone. You can really feel that you’re not at your place. It’s so grey and empty ! And with the music I always felt like I was going to be attacked
how is the track called at: 34:08? It's one of my favourite ambience tracks, which is very often played at naval areas in wow.
i liked levelling up here because it is here that the "single player roleplay", let's call it, aspect really shines for me. ive done all quests here repeatedly, most of my max level characters have the achivemsnts for questing here because it's just so good, the different quests weave together so perfectly, (is it the Scourge, the Blue Dragonflight, the Mechagnomes, the Tuskarr? All of them!) Plus, it connects with the dungeons in this zone so smoothly too, like The Nexus, also, i would die for those peal people of Northrend, when i was a child i used to feel really really bad for them and what the "evil Kvaldir did to them!!!", Also, D.E.H.T.A (is a little Pita) quests, as a night elf main (if that's a thing) they resonate with me personally lol, even if they're a bit annoying to hande sometimes. And the best of all, Valiance Keep quests, the inn there is just buzzing with life with mere NPCs, all the interactive possibilities with all units there were really fun to explore.
all in all, one of my favourite zones in Northrend, probably next to Storm Peaks and Grizzly Hills as the number 1 ^^
I actually much prefer this zone to Howling Fjord. Feels much more arctic and ominous, which is perfect for the first zone of somewhere as intimidating as Northrend.
Its so hard for me to judge this Expansions. It was the first time playing WoW after i left while AQ was live on Vanilla and i joined a very cool guild and we did some amazingly stupid things (like raiding till 3 with school/work in the morning) so it holds like a fuck ton of nostalgic memories for then. But then, WOTLK also had the highest heights like all the Zones, the music, overall vibes, very good classes, some of the coolest, best bosses and raids (Ulduar, Malygos ICC) and finally good questlines through out the zones and expansions. But also the lowest lows, Naxxramas was the most uninspired and boring raid they ever did, not to mention that it was a near 1:1 recycling from Vanilla, Crystal Song Forest looked so promising and then it was the most dead zone they every created in the whole game, from Vanilla to Shadowlands, Dungeons were great from a design perspectiv (maybe the best overall till Legion), but just too easy. Besides the very quick rep grind, you did not have a single good reason to visit any of the zones again (besides for Fishing and mats) and 1k Winters was a stupid mess, which inspired similar stupid mess in future expansions.
In the end, it was mostly riding rounds in Dalaran or idling before the Bank, waiting for an invite from the Dungeon tool 🙁
Si escuchas la música de las diferentes expansiones de Warcraft, Rasganorte es de las menos elaboradas, da la sensación que no dedicaron muchos recursos, al menos en el tema musical.
that guy takin mead to the face
Most people prefer Howling Fjord, but this zone is a much better representation of how most of Northrend would realistically look and feel. Everything about just just felt cold, damp, and untamed, unlike Howling Fjord which was full of green and Vrykul settlements.
44:40 Everything in WoW was so deliberate back then. This is a perfect example. The joyful tribal music of Taunka'le village overshadowed by an increasing crescendo of dread by that looming necropolis and plague all around.