Buffs, Nerfs & Change! Blizz's NEW Studio! Shadowlands IMPROVEMENTS, Blizzcon Reveals

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Ion has teased gearing updates, Blizzard are rebalancing a bunch of Shadowlands, and lots more – Blizzard even have a new studio!
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40 thoughts on “Buffs, Nerfs & Change! Blizz's NEW Studio! Shadowlands IMPROVEMENTS, Blizzcon Reveals”

  1. The game feels terrible right now for me. Spending hours in Mythic+ and raiding to literally get not a single good piece of gear is really frustrating. Event he vault only gave me a 20 dps upgrade when I have a lot of gear to replace. Torghast is bland and the same repetitive stuff over and over again because despite what people keep saying, Its not a good roguelike, its the worst one with the smallest amount of choice and things to do. "They want to make raiding the main source of gear." – Tell that to pvp alts that have a higher ilvl than my main after a few weeks of playing lol. Pvp trinkets are bis for a lot of people too. My best record so far has been 17 heroic and mythic bosses with ZERO gear. Just 1 conduit. And to top everything off, is it jsut me or does it feel like blizzard has left the WoW channel in general? I dont see them interacting with the community and hosting tons of QNAs anymore or hinting at whats to come. Just feels dead. Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

  2. Missed the mark big time on the adventure table news, they buffed kyrian and venthyr because they were severely underpowered compared to other covenants.

  3. how is the current pve loot anything but punishment? old day 25 dropped more then two peice of loot it was 4 or 5 and dungeons where 4 or 5 each now its 2 maybe 3 pre raid boss and 1 maybe 2 for a dungeon thats half of the old days when we also had valor on top

  4. What about that Deathwing on the Keyart? Is he that important for Hots?
    Problem with Torghast is: enough other features demand a lot of time and are rewarding. Rarely to testers/streamers play Beta as if it were live to get an impression how things will run.

  5. Still holding out hope that we get a wc4. Since there is a rumored time jump after shadowlands, i think that time on azeroth would be the perfect setting. Wc4 could lead us through the events that lead to the azeroth we come back to after shadowlands.

  6. A priest in my guild likes to play pvp pve and m+, he also plays all 3 specs and says he has no conduit points at all, whereas I have changed mine all of 3 times the entire expansion

  7. I more or less quit shadowlands because the best covenant for my spec was my least favorite aesthetically and thematically. Also retail WoW for a long time for me has been like a treadmill with a carrot on the stick, the treadmill only gets longer and the carrot smaller, i feel like im wasting my time doing just about anything

  8. I agree. No more borrowed power every 2 years. Just add in one more talent row, rebuild the damn professions in this game. Runescape has more crafting… No reason why this game hasn't improved its crafting since 2004. Lol. Enough borrowed 2 year power that just dies once next xpac comes out.

  9. Mission table is extremely imbalanced still and barely works for a couple of covenants, now including night fae, since their actual adventurers are weak. Also, it exists due to mobile tie in.

  10. In terms of conduits…the one I tend to stay with the most is the soulbind that will randomly proc a metal/gem bag, and as needed will swap out to the second soulbind that has the "unlock chest" ability (even with a level 60 rogue)….


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