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Editor: Quaylin (
I've generally had my warrior on a balanced side of Haste – Crit and Guess it's more of a mild Classic brain "more crit equals more Rage." I've had for a while majority of the time I've played Fury over Arms on most.
But that does make think now that Haste would be way better for arms since that allows you to swing more often and the rage dump reduce cds while running Vers for the damage bonus, cause Arms mastery still seems wonky to myself, I don't mind Deep Wounds being a passive and slight damage increase, but I think the mastery still needs to be changed a bit to benefit Tactician more especially with the Rage gen nerfs coming from War Within soon, and to increase the overall warrior abilities damage instead with tact might sound a little baked for a take, just feels like a QoL thing for me on warrior, not sayin their in a bad position either, but interesting that crit of all things is bad for arms in PvP.
This is how I felt when resilience was a stat and why I say resilience is such a bad stat.
In wotlk, classes like boomkin / fire mage rely on crits for their class mechanic and mana regen. Why sacrifice other stats to build into crit when it’s getting reduced anyway especially when you need haste (which replaces crit on PvP gear) on every gear slot possible so your casts can go off.
You either need to run PvE gear to get enough haste and crit (then get destroyed) or run PvP gear with all crit and no haste just to reach a playable amount of crit (which feels bad) or run haste/spirit combo for mana outlast sacrificing your spec mechanic and less throughput.
Nothing worse than stats that make the game worse.
WoW in a nutshell… Only do what wowhead says otherwise you lose
These comments are hilarious
Here we go with the bajheera complaints and wow is just gonna listen while warriors get buffed over and over week after week yet theyre still CHUNKING people with mortal strike spams for 400k+ each…but yet theyre "bad" please go class envy somwhere else
I like to see 1600 elo people in the comment section complaining about the game lol
Honestly i play however i want, crit is fun! I think the crit curse from lock should reduce crit dmg by maybe 25% or something to balance, removing all crit is kind of insane. But in random bgs or blitz, you are not likely to get hit with this curse that often, i say go for it if you just wanna have fun.
i did a lot of crit in the first few days of the new season and it was rough lol
Dude I only been remotely this stack back when I grinded for both warglaivss of azzinoth and almost full havoc bis