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Imagine ur entire identity being based on who u like to fuq. Sad and pathetic doesn't even begin to describe it.
They've been trying to overcorrect since they fired that nepo prick afrasiabi back in 2021.
Niki mananj has never been played by a black gamer. Just those nerdy boys.
No. I'll stick to playing Tales of Phantasia on the SNES, like I've been doing for the past week or two.
I stoppwd supporting Blizzard and Activision years ago.
…. lol blizzard been woke for like 10 years lol
Call of duty has been woke since Black Ops was introduced. SHG held out for a while & made a few bangers. The return of MW series was the nail in the wokeness for CoD. A new, player-made & maintained, free to play (with some kind of cosmetic-only store to support it & make it last WITHOUT any degeneracy or corny things).
WoW has been woke for years. Company full of DEI.
Elon please buy blizzard
dont need to be qualified anymore to be a developer.. they just grabbing every unskilled worker to show how inclusive they are based on race..
WOW actually has a hidden agenda. Shadowlands had a logging screen of 3 endgame bad guys on the left facing 3 end game ‘good’ female characters on the right. Next expansion, Dragonflight, had nearly all leaders females or females having a redempion arc while males were eighter corrupted or stupid comedic relief. If you don’t have your eyes open you can play the game without noticing this hidden agenda.
So it sounds like if they really want to be diverse they need a white chr heterosexual man or a conservative jew.
Microsoft will destroy Blizzard
Quit WoW in 2012. Never missed it. Gained back so much time.
Owned by microsoft, so it was bound to happen. Just wait until it reaches bothesda in the same way. No fandoms left free from propaganda, and indoctrination. Just saying, i was a little white kid who was a big fan of the blade movies, relating to characters is an illegitimate argument, because the majority of everyone couldn't care less, and didn't care, until they were told to care. Nothing more than brain rot.
I told ya'. Like Star Wars, the plan is to taint, corrupt, and make a mockery out of everything and anything you White Privileged Male Oppressors enjoy. Black Rock and other bottomless pockets groups help keep them flush with cash to do so.
That's the only reason they are doing this…spite, vindictiveness, and hatred for you Caucasoid Males who like nerdy things and oppressing women and black & brown bodies.
That's why they cast entitled and spoiled BW with chips on their shoulders in these roles.
When true racism happens it is too late to call it out because everything is racist, now a days. DEI hurts both parties. The one that it supports and the one it denies. If I find a person that is highly skilled that can help with my project they have to match the DEI quota. If they don't match the quota then I can't have that person on the project. Even though they are qualified. If a person that is qualified and matches the quota then that person will not be taken seriously. The person will have to work harder to levels of stress like during the time of segregation to prove they have the skills to handle the project and not because they meet the company's DEI.
they redesigned a picture in a tavvern becasue it showed too much skin, that says it all
I quit playing Overwatch when they started pushing their woke agenda on it.
I wish the Battleborn servers would reopen it was more fun in my opinion.
However, if they did reopen they would probably make it woke too as it is now the industry standard.
I don't think I could work at a company that was that heavily invested in DEI & ESG. Unfortunately that seems to be the rule rather than the exception these days. Reading that material was just, I dunno, stomach churningly bad. And that's just me watching along, if I encountered that in the wild on day 1 of a new job, I'd probably have walked out before lunch time. See ya.
For awhile, I've mused over the notion of, if I somehow got the opportunity, proudly pitching a CoD-style WWII FPS where you get to fight as black and Muslim soldiers…
And seeing how far I could get before anyone realized they were Italian Askari and SS Handschar troops.
(Seriously, though, come to think of it, I don't think there's been any FPS centering around Italian troops in East Africa. It'd actually be pretty interesting to see.)
This is why I don't play any Activision games and will continue to keep my money.
The DEI consulting companies need to be stopped.