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The first season of Shadowlands M+ is coming to a close. I’ve been doing my best to help as many people as I can who are working towards their last minute keystone masters achievement. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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Wow Healer UI Video:
Pug Adventures Playlist:
Pug Adventures Season 1(bfa):
Thumbnail & Edits:
I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.
0:00 Intro
1:50 Key Start
6:00 Go Agane
9:44 Kryxis
15:00 Tarvold
18:50 Beryllia
24:10 Kaal
Grom youve been pumping out content have you had time to sleep
I had to check to make sure that marks hunter wasnt me. this is how my luck goes with pugs.
Myxo the GOAT
Song at 2:13? It's very dope!
I can't help but notice you're making the common mistake of running Night Fae Resto Druid
Great vid as always mr Growl
i swear to god growl is blasting the best music in his streams
"On the bright side, we got the pride a little low" : ROFLMAO!
Aff lock 300 IQ preparing all his dots and setup for his burst window
Ele shaman: Sorry I bursted 40k by casting earthquake once and the pack died
Big dam
this one make mine day :=)
Does anyone have an idea what the names of the weakauras are to track the defensives and the interrupts?
Warlocks are so rare you haven’t set up omnicd for them
Someone that uses the "My fish is drowning" excuse too? :O
I was wondering, what addon do you use for the "spoken text'" like during the gauntlet when kaal is running away and what she said is in red above her head or when someone speaks in the party.
Wow that warlock is really talented and handsome, I bet his guild is really good.
Who doesn't love Growls videos. Which 3 people do I need to cut?
Def wont miss those perfectly exact routes for prides hehe
Well i play Overgrowth So I'm Weird One Here maybe 😀
Also Love the Music on the background
I’m still not sure what’s going on with pride aggro. If you release before the last guy die, pride would aggro you 1 out of 3 times, base on my personal experience, across the dungeon. Hopefully none of these bugs exist in the next affix.
Hey growl do you know what your Spotify playlist is, I really like it
Any chance you can explain a bit of what the cat weave dps rotation is like? seems more fun than balance affinity and id like to try but honestly no idea how it works lol
What timer addon is that?
No … earthquake go brrr
This tank is 100% from ragnaros.
good thing that i play venthyr resto druid, bad thing that I, and every party member that were with me, dont understand how to do super cool stacks xD
You can just stealth the second skip in catform. stick to the left wall and run
Does anyone know if the 1 minute convoke will be our go to for healing M+ as resto? Didn't get to test it out in PTR