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Absolutely great idea and actually gives me reasons to collect all the manuscripts.
How do you get the silver armour for the netherdrake? Currently no armor colour option
Looks like we’re getting more nether drake options, makes me happy
when the first week of this main patch dropped the colors were shown before hand but were locked and now gone. now were getting them.
Where did you get that silver armour and black skin for netherwing drake?
To all. They aren't even back in the game yet
Rip TBC Gladiators
So where can we get the other colors?
Colors aren't in the game yet and the manuscript of endless possibility is per-character, not account wide!!!!
Nether drake and phase lizards lessgo
How to get it?
where is the Green and Black Color mh?
Should allow us to make favorite customizations it randomizes between.
Can we please get the black color finally? We've been waiting far too long 🙂
How handsome the Void Dragons are 🥹.