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#shorts #worldofwarcraft World of Warcraft (WoW) The War Within my top healer video. This is my shortlist of healers that I am looking to main and why!
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I look at (Holy Paladin | Preservation Evoker | Restoration Shaman) in The War Within Beta!
World of Warcraft: The War Within expansion.
Prevokers where you attt ready to lose spots to augies <3?
I will be going mistweaver. Holy paladin alt
Hey Mad, now that you can be any race/faction and stay with your guild, have you changed back to any of the races you used to play?
Still going with the same 3. Priest, pally, shaman
Still every addon as shaman and the paladin
The answer is always holy paladin
Hpal/Off Tank and Preservation Evoker for me. Dragon form now has sky riding is enough to have it as my alt.